
Have you heard of the DREAM act in congress? (before now)?

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  1. Yes it got defeated, but the Real ID Act was not!

  2. no

  3. Yes,it was a nightmare for the American people and thankfully,it was defeated a few times.

  4. the dream act is just reworded Amnesty, thank god that travesty did not pass, and will not pass.

  5. Yes, but too bad it didn't pass, so now it's a Nightmare for the employers who relied on them..........and that's a lot!

  6. I know of it. But I don't call it a "Dream" by any stretch.

    Are all those nations whose citizens have abandoned them offering the same perks to Americans who sneaked over their borders?

    How is it that going to some other part of the world (which I've done all my life and lived for extended periods) is, somehow a heinous, murderous, horrible crime?

    Most people's "knowledge" of these countries was gathered from news we get fed here in the U.S.

    They were misled.

    There are parts of Detroit, Los Angeles, Dallas, Washington DC, and all over the U.S. that are FAR more dangerous and a greater immediate threat than most of the places these people are sent HOME to.

    What is our government doing for OUR inner-cities to address OUR concerns?

    Let these people, even those born here (but to parents not subject to U.S. jurisdiction) experience the challenge WE MUST experience every day. The challenge of taking ALL the responsibility in the world for everybody else and getting robbed by its own government.

    Who HONESTLY BELIEVES they can expect to have it any worse than us?

    There are some hot spots in the world that no place within our borders can touch. But NOT MANY.


  7. The so-called Dream Act was defeated by Congress twice after American citizens flooded congressional offices with phone calls, telegrams, regular mail, faxes and e-mails telling their congressmen and senators they wouldn't stand for it. It was one of the worst backlashes congress had ever seen.

    Make no mistake about it-this nightmare was all set to pass-it was the American citizen who FORCED congress to veto it.

    Make no mistake about this-the Democrats in congress are going to try and pass this again in 2009

    Vote out every member of congress that voted or will vote for this atrocity.

    Here is the vote tally and the names of everyone who voted for this:

  8. A bill basically designed to help people falling through the cracks that unfortunately, has yet to pass, which it immediately should.

  9.   yes, i actually have.. since the DREAM Act would help my current immigration situation (i came here at 2 yrs.. i turn yrs old 30 next week) i am anxious for it to pass (if it's gonna happen..) but i've been waiting for a while, and i haven't heard anything from the new candidates about this particular situation.. so i'm stuck, waiting for my paperwork to figure itself out.. which makes living rather hard because i can't work, go to school, drive, or visit jamaica (where i can work) until it's approved.. there is no gray area as far as immigration is concerned.. they really don't care..


  10. Yes,I've heard of it. Last time they tried to pass this nightmare of a bill,I sent emails,faxed and phoned my representatives encouraging them not to vote for it,as did many American citizens. The only people this would be a dream for are those who have broken our immigration laws. It certainly wasn't a dream for the taxpayer who would have to foot the bill. It would only encourage more people to come here thinking they can get in on the deal too.

    It was nothing more than an amnesty bill,even though they tried to tell us it wasn't.

    I don't see it passing anytime soon.  

  11. Yes, and I am not against the stated theory of the Dream act. Childrens of illegal immigrants who have lived here for a long time deserve some compassion.   It's not their fault what happen.  I would rather give them the choice of going to the military rather than deporting them.   What was wrong with every version of the dream act, was that it would subsidize these people to go to college if they choose that route and would give their parents priority in coming here.   The last version even allow those who weren't qualified to lie their way to stay here.    

  12. yes,  DREAM act was defeated twice

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