
Have you heard of the horse, Casino Drive??

by  |  earlier

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You will when he shocks the world and beats Big Brown 3 weeks from now. Should be great drama and hype leading up to it . Great for racing after the Eight Belles tragedy.




  1. The name is Drive, Casino Drive.

    Watch the video.

  2. Before watching Big Brown in the Preakness, I thought Casino Drive might be a big threat, but Big Brown seems to only be improving.  Even though Casino Drive looked great in the Peter Pan, I don't know if people would be giving him as much attention if it wasn't for his breeding.  Since he's only raced twice, it's hard to know how good he is -- he's going to have to be spectacular to beat Big Brown.  If he runs the race of his life, he could do it.  Either way, it'll be something to see, and I agree -- horse racing needs this!

  3. Did you just see the Preakness or where you in a cave ?

    Big Brown could have started in the parking lot and still won.

    Kent knows which horse he is riding in the Belmont and it is not Casino Drive.

  4. Never heard of this horse.  But thanks.  Knowing the competition makes it all the more exciting.

  5. I have only recently heard of him. Supposedly he and Big Brown are gonna be the only two horses in the Belmont.

  6. I definetly love Casino Drive and I believe he will beat Big Brown in the Belmont. Casino Drive's brother and sister both won the Belmont in the last 2 years. So this guy has the family and talent. What else does he need?

  7. when a champion becomes a legend!

    thats the call you wont be hearing! as casino drive will win the Belmont! and deprive big brown of the triple crown!

    and if you want to put your money were your mouth is you know how to contact me!

  8. I have not, but I hope he is a good horse.  I am rooting for Brown, but I'd like to see a good competitive race.

  9. he's a very nice colt...and surprising so many haven't heard of him after Rags to Riches! quickly people forget. The Belmont is set to be a horse race...and if Brown earns it I don't think it'll be handed to him.

  10. I think Big Brown will WELCOME the competition.

    But does anyone else think there is something unfair about a fresh horse - one who hasn't raced the last two races - and if he steals it from Big Brown?

    I know there is not "fair" in life, or sports or anything else.  But seriously, bottom line...wouldn't it really be wrong??  LOL!!!

    BTW - isn't it 2 weeks?  I thought there was 2 weeks between each of the 3 races?

    ***Edited to add (instead of just delete) Sorry I am wrong - it is 3 weeks.  I don't know why I thought it was 2 between both.  I apologize - I have watched these races for as long as I can remember (and turned 39 Friday) but they are the only races I follow. I don't follow the sport to know the field and stuff.  Just love to watch the beautiful races!  I should not have tried to correct those who do follow the races - sorry again!***

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