
Have you heard that Ron Paul is going to endorse Bob Barr?

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Ron Paul to endorse Bob Barr, lets drop a money bomb and help get things started. We need a quick surge and a Big drop on July 4TH.

His myspace

Put it up everywhere July4TH Money Bomb for Bob Barr!!!




  1. The only place I have heard that is from you.  Provide documentation please.  There was a false rumor awhile back that Ron Paul had "endorsed Obama".  (It never happened.)

  2. Having now heard that, I can hardly contain my excitement.

  3. god i hope not

    bob Barr is no libertarian, he has constantly fought against libertarian principles. he is no libertairian, He was one of the leading lights in the clinton impeachment, as well as the DOMA, and almost single-handedly carried out the "war on drugs" when he was in the Congress. If Barr is the Libertarian nominee then kiss that party goodbye. They couldn't s***w up worse (although, the LP reminds me of that old line about the Palestinians: "They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity").

    Barr has railed strongly against both freedom of religion & g*y rights.

    *He has also been one of the strongest proponents of the War on Drugs in years past. On May 17, 2002, he says,


    There is no legitimate use whatsoever for marijuana. This is not medicine. This is bogus witchcraft. It has no place in medicine, no place in pain relief...

    *A constant outspoken foe of abortion at any level, he acquiesced to his then-wife having an abortion in 1983.

    *Despite what he says now, he voted for the Patriot Act.

  4. I haven't heard that!

    I'm glad to see a conservative Republican-Libertarian connection.  Some see this as a contradiction.

    There is an element in the Democrat party, and the Republican Party that stands for the individual freedoms promoted by the Libertarian party which are  often overshadowed by the popular perception of party principles promoted by the news media and the "showboat" party spokesmen.

    It's about time that we have a nationally recognized spokesman for individual freedoms.  Maybe we can now get some traction.  My only fear is that Mr. Barr has been pigeon-holed as an intolerant, stuck-in-the-mud type of Republican (as most of the good ones seem to be pigeon-holed) to such an extent that he can't attract popular support from all parties.

    I like to think that independent minded individuals in both major parties can see beyond the "yellow dog" mentality that has so polarized political thought for the last 50+ years.

  5. The vast majority of Americans do not want to hear the nominees simply regurgitating their party mantras. It would be nice if McCain were a little more conservative though. I have only seen two brief interviews with Barr and already have a sense that he is someone I could actually feel good about voting for.

    I would like to see a Barr/Paul ticket. Their conservative and government-reduction agendas are definitely the type of change the voters want to see come from Washington.

    The worst outcome however would be that a conservative, third-party nominee will help put Barrack Hussein Obama into office. He is a separatist, socialist who will definitely increase the size of government and further stifle our economy by raising taxes and financially supporting more deadbeats and special interests.

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