
Have you heard the lastest tunnel at the end of the light explaination for the War? "The Surge Wins the War!"

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Yeah sure, just don't ask anyone outside of the Commanders who work for Bush or the Republicans in Congress! The Surge was a temporary effort. It is now coming to an end and the surge troops will be brought home. Not because we are winning, but because the troops have served their time and have to be brought home. In is not victory, it is another "Light at the end of the tunnel!"

I can't believe the White House and Bush are bragging about the success of the Surge. The United States is again the laughing stock of the World, and it is not funny nor is it a victory! The President is playing for time and to continue the War into the next Presidents first term.




  1. sounds like a left wing uneducated rant to me and not a question.

  2. If the reference is to IRAQ- IT is all a MIRAGE. Bush is seeing ONE repeatedly and HE wants fellow Americans to see the MIRAGE with HIM.

  3. Bush's escalation, oops surge, will not win the war.  It is an un-win able war, an illegal war, an immoral war, and we need to get out and let the reconstruct the country we have destroyed.

  4. You are so right,  They will not let U.S to get out of Iraq and win, it is simple U.S could have won if Turkey was not getting paid so much money for services related to support the war, a short war is not benefiting our paid allies right ! longer the war more money into Turkish government, so Iran and previously bankrupted Turkish government won the war.  look what is happening in North of Iraq, Kurds our friends are being pushed into war by Turkey, Turkey has been the  benefactor of this war, our tax is being handed to them to create more problem our man and women in uniform are being killed by the neighboring  insurgent, whom are friend of Turkish government. I love to see Iraqi's in peace, I can seen how it is achievable just like they did in North Kurdistan Region. If and only if Bush, his adviser "Candy delight Rice"  Iran+Turkey   .stay out of it . Our next president should  ask U.S. Government Accountability Office for looking into the administration relationship with Turkey and Turkish relationship with Iran and Islamic terrorists organizations. Cheers & God bless.

  5. Robert  H--is close-to truth-me thinks

  6. One question remaions unanswered.  What will happen when al-Sadr's self imposed six month cease fire comes to an end?   Is this Cease fire one of the major contributing factors to the decrease in violence?

  7. All you have to do is look at the dramatic drop in both civilian and military personal to see that it has worked.  He even Murtha admitted it worked.  Get you facts straight man.

  8. The 1st answerer has it right. I think we need even more troops. Win and get out.

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