
Have you heard the saying "Be greedy, lose everything"?

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Have you heard the saying "Be greedy, lose everything"?




  1. Yes but, I heard it this way:  "You shall lose that which you value the most."

  2. Yes, I've heard something like that before. It could mean all kinds of things but this explanation kind of relates to me: Sometimes I set my standards a little too high and they're not realistic. So while I'm trying to reach the impossible, others things around me fall apart. So in the end, I don't reach my idealistic goal, and I also lost something in the process.

    I just had a random thought. A greedy guy wants to start a company. It is pretty successful at first, but that just feeds his pig-stuffed face. He wants more, more, MORE. He treats his workers badly; they hate him and leave. He's left with nothing.

    (Honestly, I don't know why) lol

  3. bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...

    When you are constantly striving for more stuff all the time, being materialistic, you lose site of the reason for the stuff in the first place and risk losing everything.  Stuff is only as good as your need for it.

  4. Once there was a very hungry dog who found a bone. He picked it up in his mouth and started home. As he crossed a bridge, he looked down and saw his reflection in the water. He thought he saw another dog with another bone. Being very greedy, he opened his mouth to snap at the bone in the reflection. But when he opened his mouth, his bone fell out, dropped into the water, and disappeared.

  5. yeah

  6. No, and I've heard every saying ever.

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