
Have you heard the term DYSLEXIA?

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If yes what is it?

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  1. Yes

  2. Yes. And it does not only apply to spelling and words, it can also apply to numbers.

  3. Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard for you to read, and write.

  4. yeah my dad and two sisters have/had it.  you see words all jumbled or backwards sometimes or its just hard for you to read in general.  but i think my sister grew out of it because all she does is read now and she is super smart.

  5. Dyslexia is a language learning disability. It causes the person to have difficulty learning to read, spell and many other things. Contrary to what is commonly believed dyslexia is not just 'seeing things backwards'

  6. yeah i have it...i have something called orthographic dyslexia. most people think that there is only one type of dyslexia, and thats not true.  not everyone reads letters backwards.  mine is more with being able to think about the letters and writing them.  other people mix letters up or have other problems with reading and writing

  7. It's kinda like a reading disorder. You can't process words or numbers in order.

  8. Yes--- It's when people read something and the letters are all jumbled up on the page.

    EX: we would see the word: WORLD

    They might see WORDL.... It's reversing letters

  9. Umm yeah.

    Its when your brain works differently than the average brain. You read things differently, but your still considered normal. Your just a differnt person and your brain is unique. Usually 'dyslexic ' people have a hard time reading and usually dont want to.

  10. Is a problem that some people have, for example, you read something and it's hard for you to understand, or when you tey to remember something from a while away and you tend to forget...

  11. yes it's a learning disability that the person doesn't read things like most people do.  maybe just some letters or numbers up to all of them.

    people with dyslexia can learn to read and write but it takes them longer.

  12. Yes I have heard of dyslexia.

    I was diagnosed as being dyslexic when my daughter was, because my dyslexia was never picked up at school I failed my final year of high school, and did not learn to read until 14.

    Both my daughter and I have dyscalculia (maths & symbols) as well, but my daughter also has dysgraphia (writing).

    Yes we do confuse letters such a b's & d's etc, and often have problems with putting words and letters into phonological order, adding or omitting words and sometimes repeating words or sentences especially when copying from the board. We also misinterpret what is being said or heard, leading to confusion etc. There are many aspects of dyslexia that causes problems, and I have only listed a few things.

    With certain strategies and support we can learn to read, write and spell. My daughter had real problems in writing down her thoughts and feelings but if asked to verbalize she would do it very well.

    Having dyslexia does not mean that the we have low IQ levels, in fact many have above average IQ.

    I have since return to study becoming a qualified Youth & Disability support worker, and sessional teacher. I have a special interest in learning disabilities, especially dyslexia.

    I have included a link which you may find helpful, the last link show how we dyslexics see things, not necessarily backwards as some people think.

  13. yes its a term in reffrence to reading skills. Something about when people miss words or letters when reading?? or when they read the wrong way?? Coloured glasses help i think!

  14. Yes. Dyslexia is a learning disability, which can affect, reading, writing and spelling.

  15. Yes-it's when your brain mixes up letters and words.  Regular words appear to someone w/ dyslexia like words in a 'word scramble puzzle'.

  16. Yes, it is a disorder where things are done or read backwards. For example, a "d" and a "b" might be confused.

  17. i have dyslexia its when you mix up numbers for example if it says the number 87 i will see it as 78. but it also makes you able to read backwards, upsidown, sideways, everyhing

  18. Yes. Here is an example:

    Non Dyslexic Spelling of "it's": it's

    Dyslexic Spelling of "it's": ti's

    Often things are often backwards.

  19. Yes.  Find more info here.

  20. Yes my cousin has it. Dyslexia is if you are reading or something you can see words / letters upside down, backwards and sometimes even letters like shapes.

  21. Dyslexia is the inability to make complete sense of written words - misreading an s for an f, or scrambling the order.The eyes see the word, the brain mixes them up.

  22. I thought it was pronounced aisxelyd, but yeah, I've heard of it, and suffer from an occasional episode of the oral variety.

    Sometimes I make a cone phall to chat with a friend, or after school do my wome hork.  This manifestation was made famous by a gentleman named  William Archibald Spooner, thus they became known as spoonerisms.  Quotations attributed to Spooner include:

    "The Lord is a shoving leopard" ("loving shepherd")

    "It is kisstomary to cuss the bride" ("customary to kiss")

    Check out the website for more.

  23. Well according the, dyslexia is "any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information."

    But the way I understood it was that it's a condition when it's hard for a person to tell apart numbers from letters and such.  I'm not sure if it has to do anything with how smart the person is, but I'm pretty sure people are born with this and it's possibly being cured, but you'd have to check on Wiki about that or ask another question if you're lazy.  

    Anyway that's my answer and i promise i didn't look at anybody else's anwer even if i might not appear as the first answerer.  Hope I helped.

  24. dyslexia is a disorder that blocks certain parts of the brain. some people with the disorder have a hard time reading or sounding out words, or write upside down. its really kind of depends on th person.

    hope this helped:)


  25. It is a condition where written or printed letters and numbers appear in your minds eys in a backwards order.

  26. Yes it runs in my family with the females. They hate it but cant really help it.

    Its kind of a backward or opposite way of thinking in terms of directions or speaking. For example: I ask my sister to go left at the light and she goes right instead because she needed to avoid the pud muddle. Most dyslexics are awful with directions and often get common numbers like phone numbers or address's wrong. My mom always gets my house number mixed up. Its 2404 but she often uses 4402. The numbers are the same just not in the right order.

    Dyslexics also tend to lose things a lot like car keys.

    Hope this helps and good luck with dealing with those who may get frustrated with you.

  27. yes. It's a reading disorder when people read words differently. Read letters & numbers backwards, upside down, side ways or mixed up . It Gets confusing.

  28. Yes. People with dyslexia read incorrectly. Sometimes letters are jumbled and in other cases letters are find but the order of words in a sentence are confused. It usually leads to bad spelling esp when handwriting and to a lesser extent when typing

  29. Yes.

    In the public school system we use the term specific learning disabled in the area of reading basics. We do not use the term dyslexia. Sufferers have average to above average intelligence.

    Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede the growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.

  30. Try these web sites

  31. Yes, It literally means painful reading.  A condition that causes difficulty learning to read.  A person may see letters or whole words reversed or upside down.  They may also write backwards too.

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