
Have you heard these 55 misleading statements/ flip-flops of John McCain?

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Have you heard these 55 misleading statements/ flip-flops of John McCain?

1)McCain says in a new TV ad: "Let's give every American family a $5,000 refundable tax credit" to buy health insurance. Sounds good. But McCain failed to mention how existing employer-sponsored health benefits would be affected.

2)McCain says that "just in the last few years" the government has puffed up "by 40 percent, by trillions." Actually, it has taken federal spending a decade to grow 40 percent, and even longer to grow by "trillions."

3) McCain seems to say that he can save $100 billion by cutting out earmarks. But budget experts say that cutting earmarks would actually save very little.

4) McCain says that eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax will save "more than 25 million middle-class families more than $2,000 every year." But McCain's "middle class" includes families making up to $200,000 per year, and the $2,000 figure is an average.

The rest are available on my blog/360 page.




  1. And I also heard him say it was 12:00 noon the other day and when I looked at my watch it was really 12:06. Wow, he's really the devil

  2. Nice rant, all politicians show just the side that they want known.  I agree with him about most of these items especially the earmarks and other pork barrel spending that has gone on for way too long.

  3. Anything is a benefit. I guess we could go with Barrack Insane Obamas tax cuts and saving programs. Let's see now!!!!! UMMMMM. Lets increase taxes on all Americans. Add free health ins. to the program at the tax payers expense. Nope that's not it. Ummm!!! OH! wait I know. More government programs for the lower income, or how bout more free college and increased welfare $$$$ for minorities at the tax payers expense. NO!!! Well how bout we open the borders at a low cost of 10 trillion tax PAYERS dollars and give all our jobs to the Mexicans, you know, kind of a bonus for having them do all those nasty jobs Americans are to stupid and lazy to do. Like building new homes, remodeling,grounds keeping, trucking and so on . OK! wELL,  Let me think for a minute. Nope!! Nothing. Can't think of a thing. OH!!!WELL!!!! Sorry, I tried to help you out. Nothing!!!!

  4. Now maybe nobody in our 57 states will vote for McCain

  5. Boo hoo? lol! Guess you must be one of those disgruntled Obama supporters who know you are in a loosing battle. Oh well, I don't care if there are a 155 misleading statements I'm still supporting McCain and will be there for his victory in Nov!

  6. Yes. Good info as always my friend

  7. Sounds like a rant to me, he makes very good points then you liberals have to come out and say things like this you prove nothing except your opinion on his plans, and oh by the way what are Obama's plans again?? Oh that's right you guys can't figure it out either

  8. both sides flip flop its about getting the most people on your side and learning what needs to be done

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