
Have you heard this before?

by Guest64539  |  earlier

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my fertility dr told me that if you have really bad cramps with your period that it means that you ovulated that month?i started me period the day before yesterday and was off last night and i had very little cramping......i also never have a true positive opk this month so i think that means maybe my dr was right?have you heard this before?




  1. i cannot believe that your RE told you this, it doesn't even make sense to me. i have been a medical professional for six years and have also been TTC for two years. so no, i have never heard that theory.

    there are tests to monitor your ovulation, besides your OPKs at home. they can do an ultrasound, check for mature follicles, followed by a blood test after presumed ovulation to see if your levels indicate ovulation.

  2. Get a second opinion!

  3. I've never heard that. Sounds like a bad assumption to me.  

  4. Maybe your Dr. should talk to someone with PCOS. That causes horrible cramping and often times very unpredictable ovulation.

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