
Have you learned how to better take care of yourself, after taking care of a horse?

by  |  earlier

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I should clarify. Have you learned more about nutrition, exercise, etc., after getting your horse into prime condition?

I've learned how to get myself into shape by putting myself through the same boot camp and similar diet ideas that I've put ponies through. Even with little things, like picking my feet up when I walk, haha. If I don't let my horse do that, why do I do it? Then there's other things, I picked up, like how zinc's good for sunburns-- and I must admit, I'm pretty d**n good at braiding my hair.

If it works for my horse, it works for me!




  1. i definately learned how to braid my hair too! haha

    but the most important things i learned from them were responsibility and hardwork.

    everyday i was responsible for feeding them, riding them, mucking there stall, etc.

    i put so much work into them, and they gave me so much back.

  2. Strange but good question!


  3. yep, learned alot of things,  

  4. I think it is less of a matter of learning and more of a matter of devoting time to.

    At the end of my day, I would love to have time for "me".

    Unfortunately it often doesn't work out that way.

    Its a nice idea, but at this time of night, I usually am too exhausted to care. It's 11:30 now and I am up again between 5 & 6.


    I'm lucky if I get 2 showers a week.

    Forget girlie things like massages, manicures or pedicures.

    Nope...not gonna happen. Where ever I go, hay and barn dirt follow...

  5. That's a good question!

    I haven't thought of it that way, but I certainly know a lot more about the way a body works, systems of the body, lamenesses and diseases than I probably would if I hadn't learned so much about horses.  A lot of what I know about horses can be applied to humans and dogs, and probably most mammals.

  6. yes !

    i didnt think anyone else had thought that haha

  7. Yes. I learned a lot and it helps so much to be with other horses to learn what you need to do. Every horse is different.

  8. no.

    his mane and tail are still taken better care of then MY hair...


  9. yep - the picking feet up one. I always tell myself what i would tell a horse if they stumbled - ' should have picked your feet up' lol

  10. i don't really understand the question but yes i take care of my horse before i take care of myself

  11. Actually, yes I have!  

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