
Have you learnt any valuable lessons today?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Don't expect something for nothing, always get your facts together before going to a meeting, smile at people- it makes them and you feel better.

  2. Don't wear suede boots when rain is forecast.

    As valuable as the price of some new footwear...

  3. that i really need to learn how to light my open fire properly. i think i need to go back to brownies or girl guides or something. lol

  4. yes.........i learnt that rain is wet. is that valuable? jk lol. i also learnt that with friends life is so boring:)

  5. Don't take one of these jobs!

  6. I have learnED that when I am sleep deprived I eat more junk food.

  7. that life will be more exciting if you have a job.

    too much time to sit home and relax can cause laziness.tiredness.boredom.depression......

    and who knows what else.

  8. Before you judge someone know the whole story or don't judge. For sure, do not share your opinions about someone unless you are doing it for the direct reason of helping that person.

  9. That even children you think you know well can still surprise you!!!

    Also, that some people are just closed minded and will never change!!!!!!!

  10. Don't go to work in a crèche with a hangover!!!

  11. i learned 3:

    1 people treat you the way you treat urself, or think of urself,

    2 do not let others discourage you, when someone says you cant do something, you think of becoming able to do it in the best way, you'll get great results.

    3 you might sometimes know much much more than your professor in an incredible way!

  12. yes... don't leave things until the last minute

  13. yes.......never kick ur dreams matter how far away they seem

  14. That sometimes strangers can be the best listeners

  15. Yeah.  

    Lesson 1:  When the borough council invites you in to give your opinions at an evening 'public consultation meeting', they are only doing so  in order to say that they have 'consulted' you, and have organised the event in such a way that your results will, magically, match with their pre-ordained outcomes.

    Lesson 2: Alcohol slightly alleviates the irritation of having been treated like a fool for two and a half hours, which (if you keep on going to these meetings) you obviously are!

  16. Don't leave it until March to get rid of your xmas tree. Your car will be full of needles. Millions.

  17. True...was washing the mess off a window,

    I learned that you do not leave the bucket

    within stepping distance of the ladder.

  18. YES!  Not to leave all the housework for a month while my partner was away and then decide to do it all on the evening of his return!!!! Now i'm too f****d to be f****d.

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