
Have you left your mark on this world?

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Have you left your mark on this world?




  1. Personally, I don't feel like I need to leave a mark on this world. As long as I have left a mark on the people I love and leave this world knowing I have made others happy, I consider that as my mark, a footprint in someone's heart rather than a physical footprint on the earth.

  2. I asked myself this question recently and ever since I have tried to live my life to the very full, being as loving and caring to others as i can. i may not go down in history textbooks, but i wouldn't want the people of tomorrow reading some text written by someone who never knew me. I want to make an impact to those around me. Every small difference counts. I am only 16 and have my whole life in front of me. I believe everyone came into existence for a reason and i don't want to just exist, i want to live. I don't think anyone can really answer whether they have left 'their mark on this world', only the people around them. Because to make a difference, to be an impact you have to affect others not yourself.

  3. no

  4. Does a speck of dust leave it's mark on the earth? Great men have won great wars and conquered great nations, but did the foot soldier leave his mark in history? Can an average student tell you who Mdm. Currey was, or Mao,or Gandi,or Max Smelling,or Fats Waller, or Moms Mabley. This world will only remember the work of the masses that have changed the masses, not the individual. Jesus is the only individual who's name is spoken in every part of the world.

  5. Not a HUGE mark, but yes. I belive we all have in a way. I hope to become famous one day, and leave a postive impact on Mother Earth.


    Okay, so there are only 3 days of school left for me. I wanna tell my health teacher that I self-harm, and that I am deppressed, cuz he asked me before, but now I guess it's too late! Cuz he is sooo busy, with play-day on monday, he's going on a trip on tuesday and hes not gonna be here on the last day: Wednesday.

    Plz dont say: tell someone else. I HAVE TO TELL HIM!!! But he's sooooo busy these last days, and I am graduating so I can't go to him next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


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