
Have you looked at the top of this Paranormal page lately???

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psi..Have you noticed that the skeptics RARELY ask questions? They usually only answer. But if more paranormal believers answered, maybe they'd get more points. I know that you answer almost every you're probably close in points.




  1. That is nice there seems to be very few trolls on this section.

  2. Yes, I have. To me it just confirms that people that want actual information don't vote and the skeptics only vote for and choose best answer among one anther (not unlike the Borg working with a single mind).

    I wish more people would take the time to vote on YA.

    Do we really believe that this section is mainly skeptics?

    I guess I will just keep providing actual information to people ;)

  3. I never really take note of top answerer's. I think each question is interesting and the general "consensus" is something that has never worked in my life too well. Congratulations tho----too whom ever gets that title.

  4. Yep, I saw him building up steam and he wooshed by me!

    EDIT: I'm still at the top in Parapsychology, though I'm not getting comfy. Things change quick around here.

  5. Uh yea,okkk.

  6. hi i dont know

  7. I didn't until you mentioned it..LOL

    Yes he's perty...LOL





  8. wow, the status, the prestige.

    The hours upon days of sitting in front of his computer answering questions about aliens, ghosts, and telekinesis for the honor of having his avatar put in a place where hardly anyone pays attention.

    Hip hip hooray.

    It was worth giving up his social life, that I am sure.

  9. cool... nice avatar denie..

  10. LOL deenie, but i dont have anyone up the top of my screen...

    yeah good way to get all the best answers by voting for themselves, i couldnt beieve when i went throught all the resolved questions by voters, one person seemed to have them all...psi you are so right ~~~~

    it must be hard work telling everyone, its not possible, theres no evidence, its your imagination...

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