
Have you lost a parent at a young age....

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and do you think it kind of caused a change in your personality? Change in a bad way or a good way? Did you learn something from it? What is your story, I'm just curious. Al

When I was 9, my dad got sick and died. I think it may have caused me to withdraw from people and be more shy. Also the word "dad" saddens me. But it also taught me to live life and not worry becuase life is so short. And also I grew to be independet, since growing up with a single mom and a sister in college, and having gone to private school, my mom has to work hard to pay of the bills, so I usually find myself homealone alot. I have to cook for myself and all that. I'm 15.




  1. I lost my dad when I was 14, and it kinda forced me to grow up fast. My mom works full time and went out every night after work, so I had to take care of my younger brother. I have been cooking for myself and my little brother since my dad died, and I haven't really been able to hang out with friends as much as I would like to.

    When I see fathers and daughters doing things together, I get sad and sometimes I cry because I know I had that kind of relationship with my dad but I will never have it again. But I am trying hard to do all the right things and make a better life for myself, and I can believe that my dad will be looking down at me from Heaven and he will be proud of his little girl :)

  2. iknow how you feel. i just turned 16, my dad died 4 months ago. he missed my 16th birthday, which we had huge plans for. and honestly, the thought that hes never gunna be here again scares the h**l outta me. he was my best friend.

    and with it, iknow its still early. but ive changed ALOT. ive drawn away from people, im more quiet, and i feel like i need to grow up fast. theres alot of negativity thats been brought out in me, lonliness, and holidays? the worst. my 16th birthday i spent at his grave crying. fathers day was h**l. and i get very upset when people talk about doing stuff with their dads, etc.

    but the good things ive learned, is to always say how you feel. i didnt get to say goodbye to my dad, we were arguing the night before he died and it absolutely KILLS me that things ended that way, i just hope he knew how much i loved him. i also learned like you, that i need to live life because its short.

    and as far as independence, im at that stage too. i feel i need to take care of myself, because my mom has enough to worry about with work and my little sister.

    we kinda have a similar situation, as far as how were acting i think. im really sorry about your dad, we just gotta hope things get better frmo here. our dads are watching us, or thats what id like to think. dont get me wrong, im no religious person, but i try to believe my dads my guardian angel now.


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