
Have you lost respect/faith in C. Ronaldo since the Real Madrid fiasco?

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Do you think his heart will really be in it when the season kicks off?




  1. he will do a few step overs and tricks then suddenly everything is forgiven.

  2. Knowing the *** he will probably kiss the badge in his first game and then coming june of next year is off to Real Madrid! Typical Gaynaldo

  3. i have lost no respect for ronaldo ....i didnt have any to start with...

  4. No, that would've required me to have some respect or faith in him in the first place.

  5. Any Liverpool fan who says they have no respect for him, just remember Gerrard put in a transfer request and is still treated like a God!

  6. Was it really Ronaldo who was the villain (once again), or the press on their stirring plans (once again)?

  7. I lost respect when he got Rooney sent off this episode just confirms that he's  a worthless back stabbing little ****.

  8. i have lost all respect for him..

    his heart is obviously not at United..

    i think he will get booed alot by fans..

    he will need to work hard through the season and score ALOT to get any respect from the fans..


  9. Lost tons of respect for him.

  10. To be honest never really respected the guy after the Euro's and World cup fiasco's anyway, the sly little head-butt on Rooney and the little wink to Scolari tells you every thing you need to know about the man, Rooney was his team mate dont forget.

    But the way he's treated Ferguson, a man who stood by him when the majority of people (me included) wanted to see him lynched, is a disgrace.

    Great player, No class.  

  11. He still wants to leave ManUtd for Real. He'll most probably be unable to concentrate.

  12. Good player and yes i lost all the respect...

    On a side note i wonder how the English Fans will treat him at Old Trafford so much for loyalty...

  13. It was a Real Fiasco.

  14. I never had respect or faith in the first place...

  15. Never had any respect or faith in the guy before the fiasco started..Just being honest Em

  16. i never had respect for him but if he wants respect from me then he must go now.

  17. Not at all I will follow him to h**l itself if I had to!

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