
Have you lost respect for Farve?

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since all the controversy he has caused since retiring?




  1. Yes...and I used to respect him b/c he WAS a class act.

    HE made a HUGE scene a few mths back.. crying... blah blah blah.. when he told the Packers "Buh-Bye" they started planning a future with Rodgers... and here comes Brett AGAIN... He shouldve retired a Packer and end it there. Hes gng to be like Emmitt who was a legend in Dallas and ended up a Cardinal...he'll always be a legend in GB but he'll also be known as the dude who left GB to go with a team who has no chance to win a SB...  

  2. I won't say I lost respect but I have a different view of him now. I think through this whole process, people thought Favre was a saint but he has had his share if lying just as much as the Packers in this situation. I do think his image has been a little scuffled.

  3. Absolutely I have, and a recently released poll shows that I am far from alone.  Favre's popularity in Wisconsin plummeted from over 80 percent positive to somewhere around that of George Bush in the last month.  The fans are sick of him trying his power plays to force the team's hand.

    He's back in Mississippi now, and good riddance.  He's ruined his reputation as No. 4 in Green Bay.

  4. yeah. He was an example cuz he stay in the same team for so much time and now he is just an old hooker who wants another pimp.

  5. yes a little

  6. Not knowing the true story of how everything went is hard to put this all on him.

    maybe in 5 or 10 years when his autobiography comes out, then we will know the real truth behind all of this.

    On the surface it seems ridiculous and does seem like he was acting like Paris Hilton....  but maybe something comes out in the future that might justify his actions.  Don't know.

    I do know that if he sucks in Tampa or wherever, a lot of people are going to be asking, "All that for this?"....might get ugly.

  7. not really if he wants to play than let him play !

  8. Im I huge Vikings fan and I HATE Farve! but i respect him. and i seriously wouldn't want to see him play anywhere else but the packers!  IM LOSING RESPECT FOR THE PACKERS. he has done so much for them. and he brought them to the NFC championship game with the youngest team! They owe it to him to be the starter. he is a frickin legend.  

  9. Nope, he just wants to play, let him.

  10. Yes, and I'm a big fan.

  11. To the answers that say he was "forced".

    How did they force him? Did they hold a gun to his head and force him to have a teary eyed press conference to announce his retirement?

    Nobody forced him to do anything.

    Maybe they pressured him to retire, but he was under a contract, and he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do.

    I have lost a ton of respect for Favre. He as just caused his beloved team the biggest and worst distraction he could have ever caused.

    And, now that the damage is done, he sneaks out before practice and drives off with his tail between his legs.

    Leaving Rodgers to try and practice as the starting QB while the fans chant "WE WANT FAVRE" in the background.

    Way to go Brett.

  12. Nope.

  13. No not at all he was kinda forced into it in March and now he wants to play again. He is the best ever he can do no wrong. The only reason the packers arent taking him back is cause he is only gonna last a couple more years and if they take him they will loose Aaron Rodgers and then they will have no QB for the future

  14. MG I'm sick of hearing about him. Let him "GO" already. Give Rodgers a chance. He might be better, who knows....

  15. Ya know, I am a HUGE Packer fan!  I grew up in Wisconsin, and close to Green Bay as well.  I have watched the Packers win and lose and have been a Packer fan even when there was no Favre.  Yes, I have lost respect for Favre.  Ok, when he retired, it was kind of a shock, even though I did know the day would come but ya know, he had 16 great years with the Packers.  It was really his time and YES he did go out on top, even though they did not win the Superbowl.  Now with his I want to play then no I dont act has just gotten old.  If he really wanted to continue to play then he should have taken the month or so that Mike McCarthy asked him to do in the first place to think it all over before making the decision.  I understand that he was tired but it was a tough season.  

    I have heard enough of this whole Favre thing and just want to see this over and done with so the Packers and the fans can move on!  If I am hearing this everyday just about all day here in Wisconsin, I can't imagine in other states how Sick and Tired of it others are.  I am really ready to see Favre go and Aaron Rodgers given the chance to play.  I really think there is potential in Rodgers!

    NO!  He was NOT forced to retire at all!  As a matter of fact, Ted Tompson and Mike McCarthy BEGGED him to think it over before making any desicion whether to retire or not.  Then when he did retire, he came back a day or two after saying he wanted to play, the day or two after, he wanted to play, then he didn't then he did.  Ted Thompson flew down to Mississippi to talk to Favre, he wanted to play then he didn't.  Mike McCarthy flew down there as well, at the time Favre wanted to play, then he didn't.  So, this I wanna play then I don't act straight thru until now, has got to be VERY frustrating to the Packers organization with him changing his mind every other day.  I'm sure there are other reasons why the Packers don't want him back that we all don't know but c'mon, the Packers have moved on and maybe so should Favre.  Favre is not bigger than the Packers, he is not the team, and there is no I in team.  If he can't play as a team and understand that HE IS NOT THE TEAM then maybe he should go to a team where he CAN have that kind of attitude.

  16. I haven't lost my respect for Farve completely but i definitely have a different view of him. I am kinda disappointed in him, and what he put the packers through. I can see both sides of the packers and farve. i think they put to much pressure of farve to retire these past years and finally he just gave in but didn't mean it. I kinda feel bed for aaron rogers to because he has always been second to farve and he was finally going to get his time to shine when farve left, but now farve wants to get back. I think rogers if handling all of this very well, if i were him i would be pissed.

  17. Yeah, I don't understand why he couldn't just be honest with the Packers in March when they asked him if he wanted to retire.  They made all of their draft plans assuming that he was gone.  Favre changing his mind not only screwed them in the draft, but it screwed Aaron Rodgers as well.

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