
Have you made an really good friends on here?

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Have you made and really good friends that you talk to daily?

I have! There are several people that I have made friends with and talk to daily. And one that I have become so close to that I share everything with, can ask her for advice and expect to get helpful answers and have even called her before, you know who you are :) haha. I have been talking to her for almost 10 months now, I believe.

Anyways. What about you?




  1. I have not. But would love to make online friends.

  2. I met this really dorky girl named Jessica.  She had all these weird ideas about chocolate cows making chocolate milk and...

    Oops.  Um, hi Jessica.  :P

    Yes, I've made some amazing friends on here.  I started a myspace account years ago, but only recently started using it, because it's a great way to keep in touch with other Yahoo! moms without having to follow Yahoo! rules.

    Just today, I got a message from another mom, who wanted to introduce herself.  We always "bump into eachother" in our Q&A, so it was really nice to get to know more about her.  Also today, I got a message from a user who had blocked me, and wanted to clear the air between us.  So that would make her my former enemy, and new friend.

    I won't mention any names, but the people I've befriended know who you are- some of you I've met only recently; others I've known almost since I gave birth to my new baby.  I'm always open to making new contacts and forming new relationships, too.  

    One of my favorite things about Yahoo! Answers is that since there are rules and guidelines to prohibit chatting, we have to find creative ways to get to know one another.  By asking questions, answering other's questions, and reading eachother's posts, we learn about that person's life in a roundabout way, without being able to come right out and saying "Hey, tell me all about yourself".  That comes later, when you eventually decide that you're so in love with a person's Q&A that you're compelled to write them an email, and viola!  A friendship is born.

    Okay, sorry to get so heavy on the cheese.  You're a bunch of rock n' roll mommies and I'm glad I have you guys.  I went away from Yahoo for awhile, and this is why I missed it!

    Deb- that would be so funny!  Battle of the Babies 2008!  I'll check my email later tonight.

    Jessica- It's okay.  For the longest time, I thought pineapples grew on vines like pumpkins.

    Every time I drive past a cow pasture, I think of you.  Now I'll think of you every time I see a corn field, too.

  3. none but wouldn't mind having some...

  4. Not quite yet, but I think I am working in that direction.  I certainly have found some like-minded mommies on here that I enjoy bantering back and forth with.

  5. There is another mommy I talk to almost daily...well, e-mail daily....that is awesome.  I send/receive various messages to other moms once in a while, but I'm afraid because people don't know me that they will be freaked out if I send them a message (I'm not a stalker, trust me.  Just enjoy having other like-minded moms to talk about babies with!!!!).

    I'm totally open to other people sending me messages (unless it's hate mail, you can save that :p).  If people actually met me in person they would know that I am not an intimidating person AT ALL!!!  Regardless of my black hair and tattoos, which sometimes people freak out about, I'm so dang harmless and the biggest lover of kids!

    I haven't been on here very long, but quickly discovered the people I seem to relate well with.  And totally appreciate YA!  keeping me occupied at work :)     shhhhhhh!

  6. Yes,all of my contacts are my friends.


  7. I have not. There are a couple of people I wouldn't mind talking to but I'm one of those people who won't contact them first because I'm all like what if they don't want to talk to me. Oh well.

  8. I have actually met a few, there are some really great people on here.

  9. None. But sure would love some friends!

  10. There are some really great people on here.  There are a few I talk to, at least once a week or so (beyond the questions/answers).  There are a certain couple of people out there that I really trust and love to hear their comments/opinions.  I'm really glad I came across this site and come in contact with such great people.  :)

  11. Sure! i've made a couple of good friends..

  12. I have actually made quite a few friends on here. I have about 5 people from here on my Myspace list....I actually think you were on my friends list at some point last summer. Not sure what happened there...:)

    Anyway, it's just great to have friends that are mommies as well. Since I'm a relatively young mommy, a lot of my friends do not have children yet, so I can't really talk "baby" talk...LOL.

    Edit: Yeah, it was during that time with The Troll, who kept saying she was pregnant even though she wasn't...I'm sure you know who I'm talking about......LOL

    Edit #2: To Deb: Yeah, I do think she's really pregnant this time. And ditto about feeling sorry for her kiddos... :(

  13. Yep  

  14. none, but it would be nice.

  15. Heck yeah I have..YOU!!!!!!

    I have a few that I talk to on a regular basis..

    Thanks to my thumbs down.. ::inserts rolling eyes smiley::

    OH and yes I did get him to sleep..for a few hours :)


    We have become good friends over the past well almost year...and you know I wuv you and Ava VERY much...



    I have a few people that I met on here on my myspace and even talked to on IM a few times..and email on a regular basis...

    OH and to the other person mentioned in your A.D. Thats about when Jess and I started talking it was what october/november of last year?? Last I heard and saw she was actually pregnant..boy do I feel sorry for her kiddo's...

  16. Yup, there's one gal now that we do daily emails back and fourth.  

  17. I've met one other mom I e-mail with almost daily :) It's nice to have like minded people you can trust and bounce ideas off of!! Thank god for Y!A bc I'm in the middle of nowhere and haven't met any new moms in person I care to keep in contact with!

  18. nope. i've talked to a few people but they dont write to me daily its actually rare when another mom writes to me.  

  19. Friends no. But people I trust yes. There are questions I look at to see the answer because I have had a similar question and am glad to see certain people have answered- I tend to find their answers good and trustworthy. I like when they answer my questions as well and often find a different perspective through them. Thanks to all the good moms out there giving good advice and helping me find sanity- I really appreciate your honesty

  20. that's great!! mommy friends are awesome. i actually haven't even thought about making friends on here...i didn't realize you could? i'm not savvy w/ this site's different functions. i'm pretty slow when it comes to chatting w/ people online anyway --- this is the most adventurous i've ever been with that type of thing!  

  21. No I haven't.  I mean, I have contacts, but none of them are my "friends".  I'm not on this site that often that I actually "talk" to people.  I just answer a few questions, maybe ask one here and there, then go about my day.  I don't even really pay attention to who else is answering the questions.  There are definitely people that I recognize and I almost always love their answers, but we don't email or anything.

  22. I wouldn't say friends(yet) but there are a few people's answers that I really trust when asking a question. This site is great and is full of wonderful women which I'm completely thankful for as there are some days where I'm totally clueless!

  23. none

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