
Have you majored or minored in Psychology or Sociology?

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If so, what is your occupation now and how much are you making annually?




  1. i am majoring in psych right now, hopefully ill be able to answer you in 3 or 4 years haha

  2. i got top marks for both, but in the end neither mattered, i am chemical engineer.

  3. Hi. So, I just graduated in May with a major in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. After about 3 months of job searching, I accepted an offer as a Case Manager at a community correctional facility. I will be making $30K a year. I'm not sure what area you are wanting to go into but a lot of the jobs (especially higher paying jobs) will require you to get your masters in Social Work or Psychology. But, it's definitely not necessary to get a job...Good luck!  

  4. psychology is a pre-med course, meaning you have an options you either you go to psychiatry or other medical courses but some psychologist they prefer to be counselor.

  5. Majored in Psychology with 4 credit hours short of a minor in Sociology and Foreign language.  I'm retired on a grand a month plus investment income.  Depending on where you live and whether your degree is a Masters or Doctorate, depending on your personality, and whether you go into research, teaching, or clinical, you have a wide variety of possible earnings, but I'm sure you knew that.  One piece of advice:  keep an open mind and question everything until you're completely satisfied.

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