
Have you married a manipulator if so will they act right if you stand up to them?

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Have you married a manipulator if so will they act right if you stand up to them?




  1. Probably not, because all they see is what they want and however you stand up to them they will find a way to manipulate you to believe your wrong for even standing up to them. Been there doing that right now. I am in a lose lose situation no matter how I stand. My only option besides prayer to give me patience to endure is to leave.

  2. Probably not completely but they will learn there is boundaries.

  3. probably not..But you can learn ways to take control back and stop them from manipulating you. Did you not know he was one before you got married?

  4. i have not married one but i am dating one and no he dosnt ever back down!!! he is always right and if hes not will he will make it so he is right. its so messy and can be scary at times.... i ask myself how did i fall in love with someone who can do this c**p to me. not really sure what your going through but good luck!!!

  5. Probably not until he gets to the source of needing to be always right. It is in his past and he has been using manipulation to survive whatever he needs to survive from. If I were you I would look at what you know about his past as you may see how he happened to get that way. I know he did not come out of the womb that way. You are not the only one frustrated with him. He will have to be willing to change or adios.

  6. I am proud to say neither I or my husband are manipulators. We love one another too much to desire that kind of behavior.

  7. A manipulator loves confrontation!  It means they are getting your goat and that prompts them to step up the manipulatory behavior.  Manipulators will also work on you when you are silent.  Trying to get back at them by catching them in the act of doing something is nearly impossible because manipulators are very fastideous and know how to cover their tracks.  And even if you leave them, they think they won.

    The only thing you can do to a manipulator is to do things to them that they cannot trace back to you...make their life miserable for them even though they will smile and pretend like nothing is happening to them.

    If I were you I wouldn't waste my time.  I'd just leave and let him chalk it up as a win for himself...get rid of him...he won't stop, manipulators never do and they never appear to recognize what a bunch of loosers they really are.

  8. I'm not sure but it is really hard to stand up to a true manipulator. They are really good at what they do and it is hard to stand the pressure of their displeasure. Let me know if the whole standing up thing works for you.

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