
Have you met a guy like this before?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy in 3 of my classes, he is the biggest jerk I've EVER met! On the first day of school he started playing with my hair, hitting me with paper, wich I grabbed and ripped up and he just laughed, making jokes about my name, and tries to embarrass me. He says he wants me to die and is trying to turn people against me and I don't even know the dude! WHYY is he doing this??

What did you do if you met someone like this? I want it to stop and wont ignore him or tell a teacher, I've done both and then it got worse.




  1. Yes , he probably has a crush on u and hes trying to deny the fact by being mean to u, coz he thinks having acrush on a girl is stupid and he doesnt wanna ruin his reputation infront of his friends.

  2. Well, yes, I have classmates that have never been in my class before but tease me and try to make me mad when they have only heard nasty rumors about me.  Unfortunately, these are also the jocks.  Basically the only thing you can do ignore them and try to pretend like it you don't even notice them.  Eventually they will stop when they see it doesn't bother you.  Trust me, I know how you feel.

  3. Yes, I have. He had a huge crush on me, as a matter of fact.

  4. yes i have

    i ignored him

  5. Quite honestly, I punched the girl in the mouth after, she wouldn't stop teasing me, following my warning.

  6. Ew yes.

    they are annoying

    just smart mouth back at him.  outsmart him, make him feel dumb, and he'll lay off a little bit.

    if all else fails, say he has a small p***s.

  7. sounds like he has a crush actually sorry

  8. i never met a person like that, except for when i was in like elementary. He probably is immature.

  9. Yes. Doesn't everyone. The jerk made fun of my name too, and he made fun of my being on the honor roll and gifted program......

  10. I have a great idea. Just tell everyone out loud he has a small p***s. I'm really serious, I did this because there was this one guy who kept picking on me in 9th grade and when the teacher went out of class to run some quick errands, I yelled "hey davy has a small p***s you guys!". Everyone laughed and he stopped picking on me. It was a little harsh and it probably hurted his feelings, but that's what he deserves. After class, I had a little heart to heart with him to apologize but he didnt so....


    If you dont want to do that, then just tell him you know he has a crush on you, that'll shut him up

  11. punch them in da face i deal wit aholes all the time like that

  12. ya–prob—dose

  13. I think he either likes you or he is a biggest jackass.

    Yeah, I've had that happen to me before. And he ended up having this HUGE crush on me.

  14. Hahaha yepp. I had one of thosee. but the one that I knew used to always be super high in class soo yeahh.

    Be friendly and talk to him or something I doubt that he would like you or something cause guys nowadays get straight to the point and get what they want lol

    If that doesn't work ask the teacher to move your seat

    talk to your counselor to change your class



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