
Have you named your children unusual names like celebrities??

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Kidman- Sunday

McConaughey- Levi

Gywneth Paltrow- Apple

Jordan and Andre- Princess Tiiaami

Michael Jackson- Prince and Blanket

Beckham- Romeo and Brooklyn




  1. My kids names are Ivy, Ayla, Alden, and Tristen. A bit different, I know... but they sure aint Apple!

  2. No but my workmate has a son called Levi & I asctually asked him if he was takin the **** when he mentioned his son.

  3. nope my daughters name i s a good old fashioned name amy im happy that when she goes to school she wont be picked on because of her name

  4. I named my daughter Anastacia Cheyenne... is that unusual enough... I spelled her first name the way I did so that I could call her Stacia.

  5. I think all of these 'celebrity names' are actually pretty decent compared to what some people name their kids... so many dang hyphens and apostrophies and assinine spellings of the simplest of names... I understand wanting to give your child a unique name... but changing the spelling doesn't make it unique.  It just means there's six Jasmine's in the kindergarten room and every dang one of them can't spell it because mommy had to try and be 'creative'.  Adding hyphens and apostrophies doesn not make a name more 'ethnic'.  If you want an ethnic name, don't make it up... pick a name with meaning and significance from your country/homeland/ heritage.

  6. yes, my son's name is Blanket.

  7. My little boy is called Jayden Lee - Britneys son is called Jayden James.

  8. Sunday, Levi and Brooklyn are ok, even Romeo and Prince are at a push. The Tiiaami would've been nice without the Princess before it...but Apple and Blanket??? I mean, why???!!!

    My daughter's name is Millie May, and if I had another girl she would be Ayla May. And if I had a boy, he would be Aydin or Yian with the second name for both being William.

  9. My daughter is called Isabelle India Skye, Kinda a bit weird.

  10. I prefer simple classic names and dont really understand all these strange naming trends. Growing up i thought my name was as different as it got...but come on now people, BLANKET??? It reminds me of that old Sinfield episode when George wanted to name his son "Seven," only much more disturbing.

  11. I like Levi !  And Brooklyn actually.

    Sunday, erm... kinda like it.

    Apple, Blueberry Madonna, Princess 'anything'  NO WAY !

    Mine are Alix and Mason.  I love the name Tio too.

    Also, my next child will be called Divan - that's where it was concieved !!!! lol

    Wasn't David Bowie's kid caled Zowie !!  LMAO  Zowie Bowie !  How cruel, how cruel

  12. No my kids are Kirsty Anne and Daniel James just nice ordinary names

  13. No, I'm not retarded.

  14. We named our daughter a unique name, but I do know Scary Spice (Mel B.) does have a daughter by the similar name that is about 10 years old.  We named her Phoenix Alexandria which is a unisex name and unique name, but is gaining more momentum and more and more people are using the name in the area we live in.  Mel B's daughter's name is Phoenix Chi.  We're also due to have a son in Sept 2008 and we're naming him after a famous astrologer, Carl Edward Sagan so our son will be Carl Edward.

    Led Zeplin had a child named Moon about weirdo names LOL

  15. I'm in the UK and there was a program called the house of Elliot 15 years ago there was an actress in there called Evangeline that is what my first daughter was named after

  16. I would actually name a daughter Apple. All those other names are terrible.

  17. i dont mind levi and brooklyn is nice

    but what the h**l was nic thinking

    sunday rose , the first thing i thought of

    was the sunday roast

    x x x

  18. I have named my son Henry James after the famous writer Henry James and my daughter Amelia after Amelia Erhart, the famous aviator.  Do they count as celebrities?  

    I was going to go with Hen-ri Yames and A'Meliiaa but I decided it would make them look like pr*cks with parents who didn't have enough to do with their lives.  Also, I want them to get jobs that pay more than $5 an hour when they're older - or where they don't make most of their money through 'tips'.

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