
Have you not been able to have a pet because someone you live with has allergies to pets?

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I am very lucky because I have never had that problem. I had a dog for 16 years, but a friend of mine can not have a cat because her Mum is allergic to cats and other animals. She has two hamsters. They have to stop in a tank in her bedroom. Her mum helps her clean them out after having a tablet.




  1. i really have not had that problem but my mom will not let us get certain pets it is a common problem some people can not stand the fur and shedding i have a s**+-tzu her name is molly  mom likes her because they do not really shed unless the fur is all knotted up in the back i love my dog

  2. My mom and I both have allergies, but fortunately she was willing to put up with our two cats along with me. We have  filters, take medicine, get shots, wash our bedding regularly... all so we can have our adorable little furballs. I am so blessed to have my kitties in spite of everything. :)

  3. i have the same problem i need to take antihistamines before i go near cats and birds, but i do have two red rumped parakeets, i take my tablet and have an air purifier so most the allergens are taken out the air, i also live with my mother in law who has a cattery (crazy i know) as long as i can control the symptoms and it is not that bad it is ok, tablets control most of the worst symptoms, and try to limit contact, but my boys were hand reared and i just could not part with them, they are so loving towards me i just could not re-home them, but when they do die i won't get any more they are a special case as i have had them since they were a day old, the key to controlling the allergy is to keep things really clean, if the cage is clean it is not that bad, most the time it is the dust on the bird that do it, but i can never have budgies as they really effect me, but my love for my boys far out ways the problem i have with them

  4. Have you ever watch kim possible?

    Well her bf Ron stoppable father is

    allergist to animals so her bf ron

    got a hair less animal.

    And his dad was ok.

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