
Have you noticed When Russia/Iran/Venezuela pick on other countries, oil prices go up?

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Maybe going after Georgia,Kuwait and Colombia is part of the oil rich countries way of economic growth.

Yes, I know oil prices in the U.S. are due to the supply and demand.




  1. it's absolutely fixed to turmoil in these regions.  US oil prices aren't set by supply and demand, they are set by perceived supply & demand.  in other words, speculators set the price of oil.  so yes, when wall street gets bent out of shape over what happens in oil rich regions, the price goes up, and those countries reap the reward.

  2. Venezuela hasn't picked on other countries it was the US terrorist organization the CIA that helped topple the Chavez government through additional financing and other classified information.  It was the people of Venezuela that rose up to bring Chavez back to power.  Would the US kindly keep their terrorists out of other countries.  I understand there has been a lot of CIA activity in Georgia leading to the Georgian military bombing in Ossetia.  There have also been a lot of America military advisers in Georgia now and in the times leading up to the conflict.

    Yankees - stay home.

    When Pappa Bush invaded Iraq the price of oil doubled.

    When Baby Bush invaded Iraq the price of oil doubled and continued to rise.

    If you want lower gas prices quit invading countries and learn how to negotiate.  The Iraq challenge could have been negotiated without the people killing embargo and the war.  Our insertion into Afghanistan should have been only what it was meant to be - a search for Al Quaida.  We had no right to topple the government of Afghanistan causing another murderous war.

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