While attending my sister in law's high school choir concert I was amazed by the vast height disparity of the girls to the boys. It wasn't just the 9th grade (that's somewhat normal, girls start development sooner) but the SENIOR class as well.
The average height for girls seemed to be close to 6 feet while guys it was only about 5'7". My sister in law frequently dated shorter guys, and I thought that was just her thing but after seeing that first hand I guess she had no choice! She is also 5 inches taller than my wife, and they are only 7 years apart in age.
I have been out of high school for only 10 years, I do NOT remember things being like this. Has anyone heard of why this is happening or seen a news article about this? Is this from increased birth control use?
Is this happening all over or just our area? I have since noticed the same phenomenon at MOA, where people from all over come to shop.