
Have you noticed how McCain and Palin have taken over the spotlight....?

by Guest59060  |  earlier

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from Obama and Biden?




  1. Just a political stunt. Similar to the French Prime Minister's wife who took over the world by storm or rather her nude body pictures did.

  2. With negativity and lies, which is about all the Rebuplicans have to run on with their p**s poor political record.

    No matter which way you ballyhoo them, McCain and Palin are still a senile old f**t and his trained four-eyed sow with lipstick peddling the same horse **** form 8 years ago.

  3. The press reacts to the story that will bring the most people to read it.  Palin and McCain are attacking the Democrats pretty vigorously.  It's a, "oh no she didn't (snap)" contest right now.  Wait until McCain and Palin have to answer questions about what their plans are and how to move forward from the Bush era.  I bet all that spotlight will not be positive when the honeymoon is over from picking Palin for VP.

  4. Yes, and it's about time.  I got tired of seeing and reading nothing but Obama, Obama and more Obama.  This is refreshing!

  5. I haven't noticed that

  6. It's convention time for the republicans this week. Obama is going to get high profile powerful women politicians to contour Palin. Obama is smart if criticism about Palin comes from high profile female politicians the republicans can't say sexism. The republicans need to play politics because they sure cannot run on the last eight years of failure. Obama is getting females as powerful as Hillary and Hilary also is being hired to counter Palin. Brilliant move.

  7. yep, with dirty tactics.

    Nothing about fixing our country, just about how much worse they think the other person is.

  8. Well, it was, after all the Republican Convention.  But, yeah, I've noticed it.  I think Obama has been given a free pass this last week.  He's out campaigning and saying untrue things and nobody's paying attention and calling him out on it.

  9. Of course they have, the Republican Convention was this week.  I would sure hope that they would take the spotlight away on THEIR week...just like last week it was all about the Democrats.  Now, we will get back into the grind of things.

  10. That tends to happen around the time of the conventions.

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