
Have you noticed how Republicans treat Democrats?

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I keep reading all of these answers and I noticed that Republicans talk about Democrats like they are disgusting little creatures unworthy of even breathing. Why try to force your opinion on everyone else and when they don't agree with it you trash them with personal attacks. You almost speak the work Democrat like it gives your mouth a bad taste. Why not just give your opinion without trying to make every Democrat evil minions doomed to burn in h**l forever?




  1. It does go both ways. But on TV I definitely know that the left wing media is brutal. Take Keith Olberman for instance, McCain announced Palin as his running mate and less than two days after Olberman was already planning on John McCain dying. Oh my God he is gonna die we're going to be stuck with the mother of 5 from Alaska! How nice is that?

    Need I remind Mr. Olberman that Ronald Reagan, who was a good president, was 70 when he entered office?

  2. It's ugly. It does go both ways and it needs to stop.

  3. First off, Meditteranean Warrior you are truly ignorant.

    Republicans are two faced scoundrels whom in the past few days have had everything they've done over a course of years thrown back in their faces....including the Chelsea Clinton jokes talking about Bill Clinton and his affair and now smashing Obama. However, I don't understand why we[democrats] are supposed to have some compassion for them now that they are in the hot seat...oh no, it doesn't work that way. If you can't take it, don't dish it simple as that. Now that this moron McCain has chosen Palin as his VP running mate(laughable) while her whole life is scandalous and her pregnant daughter is a shame to this country democrats are not supposed to take a stab at this red meat...I'm sorry but this is just too delicious to turn down. But because Obama has such class and tact and he feels that attacking Palin's daughter is not good I guess I will follow suit...but hey, all is fair in the game of politics. And last but not least, Republicans are not as moral as they suggest.

  4. I've seen the exact opposite tonight.  Though I know it goes both ways.

  5. I know it's stupid......

    My family is mostly democrat.  My brother and my sister married Repubs.  I still sit down to dinner with them, we don't call each other names (although I did call my bro inlaw a jerk once), so go figure.  My sis in laws family are all Repubs and they're pretty normal people except her sister, who IS strange....

    It's called a difference of opinion.

  6. Yes.

  7. Obama asks us all to be civil and reminds us that we can disagree respectfully without impugning the motives or patriotism of the other.

    I'd agree that the republicans seem to be more venomous overall but I do see nastiness on both sides.

  8. Oh yeah, the  holier than thou group is quite nasty and deluded in their concept of how moral and good they actually are.

    Granted it's probably scare tactics, like used in the fundamentalist churches many probably go to, to keep people in line, their line.

    Edit: Heck, I even asked this earlier, but it never posted.;...

  9. I never said they aren't worthy of breathing.

  10. NO !! ... I think that you need to take off the blinders !!

    IF ... you are REALLY paying attention ... it is the Obama Supporters that are doing 80% of the trash talk !!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  11. Thank you Jessica!

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