
Have you noticed how desperate Obama's supporters here suddenly got?

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Has anyone else noticed the sudden uptick in attacks on Palin and McCain now that Palin delivered well last night? Most of them are about her daughter and other nonsense.




  1. Obama still can organize communities better LOL Obama '08

  2. Whoever thinks an ex beauty queen who opposes birth control is going to resonate with mainstream American women, has seriously screwed up.

    Her oratory skills are adequate at best. All she did was read the teleprompter, and pause for the queued applause. I was watching the audience and while the ones down front were cheering and waving flags, I noticed that the people further back (just before the rows and rows of empty seats) were rather quiet.

    Once again bristol was left holding the baby. WHY is bristol always holding the baby? If sarah is the mother - why is sarah not holding the baby? Why is Todd never seen holding the baby? After all it IS supposed to be his child, right?  

    I'll bet bristol is always holding the baby to cover the fact that she probably is NOT 5 months pregnant.

    Call me desperate, but i call it as I see it.  

  3. No senor! no desperation here, it's just paranoia on the McCain's side that sees it that way. Maybe deep down inside, they (McCain supporters) know it was a bad choice for a running mate.


    (Obama for President)

  4. Actually, the networks want to convey the idea that minorities all DID NOT go to the convention and were not represented.  In fact, they were there.. the cameras worked hard to not show them.

  5. Yes, I have.

  6. This whole Obama campaign  has seperated Americans more than ever,unfortunatley, I really liked Obama at first till I found out about his aquaintences and tax policies. I dont like to see all this hate, and the worst part of it is,these candidates dont care about us individuals so why do people grovel all over them ?  

  7. I have never noticed an "uptick" in my life. No desperation either. I am no fan of either candidate. I am happy however that Romney is totally out of the picture. McCain chose a woman because Obama didn't (huge mistake on his part) but attacks have come from both camps and the attacks are not coming from supporters, they are coming from the candidates themselves. Attacking Palin about her daughter is no more ridiculous than attacking Obama over eating arugula.

  8. did anyone notice how many black people attended the show last night. i counted less than 20 and that included counting 2 people twice, 2 that appeared to be security guys and 2 asian looking guys. one sign that stated Viva McCain. they showed only one black couple sitting together and not one shot of a group of black people. i watched and counted for 2 hours, during and before rudy's and sarah's speeches.  don't they sound so smart when they can read the prepared speeches with the right tones and pitches.  

  9. They must really be scared to be so vicious.

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