
Have you noticed how some people with pushchairs push them out into the road to stop traffic?

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Some people seem to think that babies in pushchairs are some kind of blocking gadget, push it out into the middle of the road and use it to stop all the traffic, great idea. Then they moan about death rates from speeding cars!




  1. For years this has really got my goat,women standing on the pavement waiting to cross the road in busy traffic, with the

    pram or push chair on the road,why are they so bloody stupid ? not all drivers men and women see there push

    chair and one day,god forbid,an accident will happen.

  2. Yes - annoying and really dangerous.

  3. I know, and it just p*sses me off so badly! They just push the pushchair down the pavement and smack into the road so they cross.

    Also I don't know how SOME of them think that they have free passes to everywhere, be it to the front of a queue, they think that you should move to let THEM pass first, I mean where do they get all this arrogance once they become mothers???? There should be pushchair driving lessons as well coz geez, some really do need it!

  4. Women who use their pushchairs as battering rams really get on my nerves. They are just as bad in shops and town centres, shoving them round aimlessly to cut through everyone.

    Once I was just stood still minding my own business in plenty of space, and this woman with a pushchair came straight up to me, ran over my foot with the front wheel, and just went 'Well move den!'...unbelievable!

  5. Just call the police because this is called child endangerment and if the parents are that stupid, then they should suffer the consequences as well.

  6. Yes, its really dangerous.

    I also hate it when parents allow their children to get in and out of vehicles on the road rather than on the pavement.

    They have doors on the pavement side, why not use them instead of endangering their child's life.

  7. Yes.  Often in cases like this, the mother has a face like a bulldog l*****g urine off a nettle.

  8. Yes! Have you noticed that they are not long out of pushchairs themselves

  9. That is my worse thing ever, i have many times stopped and shouted at the irresposible person, they are alright because they are on the path,  !!!!!!

  10. Yep, and then they stand there talking to each other while they wait to cross, and their baby is inches from the passing cars.

  11. yeah scary - taking their baby's life into their hands.

    the other thing that worries me is when you see parents with young children crossing in the middle of the road when there is a zebra crossing further down - you should teach your children good road sense from day 1. its called life or death!

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