
Have you noticed how the Chinese speak in a sort of sing-song voice?

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Say, when I hear an announcement at the olympics, you hear the French first, then the Chinese, then English.

listening to people speak chinese/mandarin, it's in such a sing song tone, have you noticed this? No other languages are in that tone.

Why is this so?




  1. Because it's a tonal language.

  2. Chinese has five tones.

    This is why Japanese call Chinese sounds, "onyomi" or "musical reading." :)  

  3. Chinese has tones (5).  Each word has a tone.  If you mess up on a tone of the word, you can give the word a different meaning.  So... it's important! ^_^

    And other languages are like that such as Thai, Vietnamese, Cantonese,....

  4. Yes! It's really cute I absolutely love it! <3

    They speak like that because it's a tonal language.

  5. wow, what a discovery, did you also pay attention to the way French people pronounce "r"?


    any language has its peculiarities

    including Chinese


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