
Have you noticed people have started to drive a lot slower?

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Have your driving habits changed with the gas prices? I try to do everything in one outing and plan my route so one place is on the way of another and like that all the way home. But during weekend outings I drive just as much. what car do you have? I have a Prius 2002




  1. I drive a 2001 Honda Odyssey.  Yes, I am driving a LOT slower - trying to save gas.  

    Truckers also are driving slower.

  2. lol... i was just talking about this with my husband. we notice a big difference in the way people drive. when the light goes green they slowly move forward and i notice more people don't want to stop at red lights they will run the light instead of stopping. an other thing is they see a red light they will let go of the gas a mile away and roll to the line.

    it crazy but so is the gas prices !

    i drive a f150 but need to because i have a boat to tug every weekend. my driving has not changed

  3. I have a 2008 sports car and i don't car about gas prices cuz i own a gas station and next month i'll raise the gas to $6.75 a gallon....ha ha ha!........................................ just kidding. I drive a  2007 camry which i want to change for a hybrid car.

  4. My driving habits haven't changed because of gas prices, but because of weather.  It's warmer, so I try to walk a lot more.

  5. Yeah I notice this too.

    I myself am driving less.  I take the bicycle to many places now...or even walk.

  6. Yes....driving a bit slower these days and driving less these days!

    I am fortunate to live in a small town, so on weekends if I need a trip to the store or library or anywhere...I ride my bicycle " a beach cruiser with basket"'s awesome.  The basket holds about 15 items depending on size.  I am taking public transportation to work outside my hometown...3 times a week...!   Just downsizing how I do things....although keeping my eye on public transportation because they are raising prices too...and it's alot of planning and timing so if the prices climb too high....will drive again.

    Folks are driving slower....which is not a bad thing!  Great question!

  7. I am defiantly taking my foot off the pedal more! I also am rolling to red lights more often. I believe it helps cut down on gas. Even though everybody behind me passes me, and then makes sure that they cut me off.

    I use a fuel saver when I fill up as well. It about 2 bucks a bottle at any auto store. That helps tremendously with saving gas.

  8. Yes, I'm driving less and slower.  It is one  thing I can do to lower our own personal gas usage.  

    I appreciate all of you who do drive slower, or walk or bike.  You are doing your part to keep your expenses down, but you are also lowering consumption, and that is commendable, despite your reason.

    I drive a 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid, and highly recommend it to everyone.

  9. We live out so we always have tried to go to town for more then one thing.

    My mr has always driven slow and it is a joke around here of how guys at work try hard to get out of there before he does so they are not stuck behind him lol!

    We have many people coming through for hunting/fihing/camping and heading to cali and Nevada. Surprising how many people are still on the road with no care of gas prices.....

  10. no I disagree I drive fast regaudless hence the fact I should have never got my licence yrs ago as oneday I will regret having it

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