
Have you noticed that patriotism is simple brainwashing?

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One country is not better than any other. There's no reason to support one more than any other.




  1. The USA is the greatest country. Look at our constitution and our freedoms. Why are immigrants flooding the United States? Maybe you should move somewhere else.

  2. One country is not better than any other? BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Are you kidding? Who wins, America, or Iran? America vs. China? America vs. Uganda? America vs. Egypt? America vs. North Korea? It's ridiculous to say that all countries are completely equal. There are hundreds of countries in the world. Some are richer, some are poorer. Some are free, other are oppressed. Some are capitalist, others are communist. I happen to live in the richest, most powerful, free (mostly), country in the world. And I'm not blind, believe me. I know America has lots of faults, but millions of immigrants come here for a reason. Show me another nation where a person can start with nothing and work their way up to mega-rich entrepenuer (See Andrew Carnegie). If all countries are equal, then go live in Darfur, or Uganda, just because you can. See how long you last. You might as well, right? They're all equal, after all.

  3. Hope you are not an American saying that.  If you are, I suggest you do a bit of country hoping and then say that when you return.  

  4. Some of the answers above illustrate the relevance of your question. The US government has long cultivated a system of labelling any criticism of goverment as communist or un-American (and lately is has added "aiding terrorism"), which is ironically a very communist Russia type of suppression. People should love their country because they believe in what it stands for, not because they are afraid to protest its ills or because they have been brainwashed (see above) into believing the hype. Protesting against actions of your government that you believe to be wrong is one of the most patritoic things anyone can do. If anything could be said to be un-American it is to stand by and slavishly agree with every bit of bullshit that the government spews out as fact.

    Oscar Wilde once comented that patriotism is the virtue of the vicious. He was right.

  5. Go back home and stay out of our country if no one in your family was every killed in combat during wars.  My father, brother, two husbands, a cousin and a niece are all military.  I show my patriotism for my county.  I also OWN are bear arms.

    I don't diss any other country/people unless they kill thousands of people with airplanes or bombs!

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