
Have you noticed that people who own guns are more insecure than people without them? Why is this?

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I have noticed lots of very creepy guys on here who are always talking about guns very intensely. Why dont the police disarm these people before the next massacre?




  1. because a gun wins all arguments, and many insecure people can't "lose".

  2. because they already feel insecure and so buy them to help themselves feel secure. i hope i have helped

  3. Guns should be illegal.  People are just stupid.  Don't ask why!

  4. why do u blame the police... the country has laws that dont make sense.. they allow pple to buy private guns and then complain about murders and massacres....its ridiculous...

    NO ONE needs to have a gun for any reason.... even for those who claim its for safety.... its not good enough.... guns should not be sold to the people... PERIOD

  5. I'm not creepy at all.  I have two guns.  One for deer hunting, one for bird hunting.  That is my constitutional right.

    I agree with you812see. How do you explain the fact that handguns are banned in D.C., but the crime rate there is absolutely through the roof?

  6. yeah I agree, I don't understand why guns are soo readily available in america its sad really, guns can be bought here in canada but we have rules and most ppl don't own a gun, and ppl have to remember that whatever weapon they possess near and enemy could easily be used against them.  We also have less crime and are able to keep our doors unlocked in the daytime.

  7. As I know not one person who owns a gun, I can't say whether you are right or wrong.

    Question:  Does the insecurity come before, or after, becoming a gun owner?

    Sash (UK).

  8. They are unsure about a situation arising in which they may have to use that gun

  9. its probebly that they get insecure so they get a gun to protect themselfs, but here in the uk its very difficaly to get a gun so i dont see as many people with guns.

    + if police didnt carry guns not so many criminals would, becuase here its rare to see a police man with a gun, unless hes fire armed trained which few are, most carry stun guns insted. so there isnt the same gun crime, also if police cause a unprovoked attack on people with guns, criminals or not, they will get in trouble

  10. No, people with guns understand how many crazies are out there and can defend themselves.

  11. that is an unesisery assumption on your part. many people own guns and are not gun fanatics some own guns that will never fire because there antique. or they have histoicle importance some of the worst killers in the world have never fired a gun. jack the ripper, lizzy bordon, vlad the impailor, the boston strangler.all killed without guns! you want to take away every ones guns, then you better start making a big stone pile so you have somthing to throw at the chinese when they start coming for your land and food because they cant stop popping out kids.

  12. we are more secure with a gun than without.

    If everyone open carries, there will be no crime. gun laws all favor criminals, sine they get guns because they have no regard for the law. The UK and Washington DC is two prime examples of that. Record highs in crime and no legal citizen can use a gun in defense. Where do you think the guns are from? It can't be the people, since they don't have any.

    But having a gun only works if the person is responsible with a gun and knows how to use a gun safely with concern for others.

  13. Because they are worried that the guns will be taken away from them and used on them.

  14. they feel unprotected without their guns

  15. In the united states it is legal per the constitution to own guns. i think some people who are insecure buy guns because of their insecurity. i also think many people buy guns for hunting and sporting purposes. as long as the gun isn't used in a crime who cares. I don't personally own a gun,but i support the rights of those who do. If I lived in a bad neighborhood with poor police protection, i might own a gun out of a feeling of insecurity, but this feeling would be justified given the circumstances.

  16. People in Washington DC don't own any guns either, except the criminals, and that city is known as "Murder Capital of the World"!!

    In a small town of North Dakota, everyone owns a gun, and the crime is next to none.

    You can take the guns away, but there are still bows and arrows, and other ways of making sure a person doesn't pillage my property while I sleep!!!

  17. Your question brings to mind a letter to the editor of the left leaning Miami Herald.  "During worship services for the First Amendment the Miami Herald editorial board made a startling discovery,  the Second Amendment". That was over thirty years ago. Many of you government school kids don't  get this not having read our Constitution or The Bill of Rights.  The second amendment in the Bill of Rights is the right to bear arms. Liberals are strange creatures.  They agree as do I that it should be a federal offense to disturb sea turtle eggs.  Yet these same people believe a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy even with a partial birth abortion.

  18. Hey, that's what Hitler did, outlawed all guns owned by citizens.... and that worked out just fine.

  19. Well it is a chicken & egg situation . Insecure people acquire guns to make themselves feel more secure. Only feel threatened if a low life pulls a gun or knife in anger in the middle of a fight , they will probably use the weapon. Otherwise it is just to boost their low self esteem & low confidence.People who own guns must ask themselves ,why do I want to have a gun in a civilised society?.Answer, to help me feel more secure. I rest my case.

  20. I own guns and this is the first time you've heard about them.  We aren't all crazy, and more importantly, we aren't all trying to control what others can and can't do.  Don't be a n**i.

  21. People who own guns are the same as people who don't.Your assumption is not factual. You just associate with weird people,or have your head up your ***.  Whether they own guns or not. I am an American and I proudly own guns and I am secure .Freedom isn't  cheap.

  22. And I thought it was creepy people trying to take firearms away from law abiding folks.

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