
Have you noticed that professions how try to influence the world? Economists, scientists, computer geeks, law

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and of course lawyers, all of these "professions" think they are politicians now.

Economists are the worst. We all know that communism, which d**n near destroyed the world and has killed MILLIONS was started by a filthy economist named Marx, and other evil b******s have done almost as much damage.

But now scientists are trying to influence and shape the world with this global warming nonsense.

Google, and all the computer geeks working there think they are demi-gods.

What's next? Will Accountants start thinking that the only way to save the planet or to make world peace is to give everyone a sharp pencil and a green visor hat?




  1. you raise a good question .. and i have not noticed it but i have noticed how so many people do not think for themselves but have to ask Dr Phil and Oprah how to take a p**s correctly  

  2. I think if any one of the polititions take one dime from anybody, they both go to prison for ten years automaticly. They make enough money to do thier job. If not they can resign and get someone than can. It is WAY too cooked in the whitehose on down. Its kind of bad that a guy gets pardoned for a crime that the guy who pardons him is the one that commited the crime(s).

  3. The problem is that most people lie, cheat, deceive, and any other word along those lines

  4. ya, most proffessionals seem to have the attitude that "They are the Smartest Man in the Room" Syndrome"~!!!

    it's getting really annoing~!!!

    like when you have a lawyer on retainer and ask for advice, and you already knew what they just told you, but you had to pay for them to confirm it, cause noone in court will listen to you unless you have the sheepskin to be a lawyer to make it all "Official"~!!!

    this is how they keep Job Security among the masses~!!!

  5. i notice politicians  

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