
Have you noticed that some of the questions are disappearing on here?

by  |  earlier

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Then when you come back to it...they're there...then the next time they aren't! Someone else has noticed this I know it's not my computer. Will you please check it out? Sometimes my questions are there and sometimes they're not. Same with other people's questions. Wassup???




  1. Ahhh!  The mysterious ways of the internet, here today, gone tomorrow!

  2. Bohemian G... I know you just did not say that Christians like to report questions? I try to hold my tongue for once.

    As for the question, I have noticed this too. I thought it was just my laptop. Deenie, I think you should give your questions a little more time before picking a best answer. I never get to get to the ones I want. Just a thought.

  3. just click refresh and they usually pop back up

  4. The christians like to report questions as well Yahoo answers has a lot of people... They have to alternate when they display the questions and when they hide them.

  5. Answers that don't fit the social political climate no mater how true also are 'disappeared'.

    There are a bunch of a left wingers working the boards mostly rejects from Harvey Point not fit for field duty.

    Posted July 30, 2008 let's see how long this stays posted.

  6. I have noticed it, but I think Yahoo might be experiencing some technical difficulties...its the only thing I can think of.

  7. yeh iv notice that

  8. I'm not sure if something strange is happening or not.

    If you look under all the whole alternate section some questions seem to be missing but then if you just look under say parapsychology they seem to be there.

    I'm not sure if I'm not looking carefully enough in the first place or if things are disappearing and reappearing.


  9. Yup -it's Yahoo silly birds!:0)

  10. In working with some larger web sites (did I mention that I dabbled as both a network technician and a web database programmer?), it's actually normal under some databases to have missing data of this nature. It's not time to pull out the tin-foil hat yet!

    The gist of what happens is that the database gets overloaded. Rather than wait for the data (slowing down the page load and potentially slowing down the entire site because of that one page load, multiplied by a million active users), what it does is "drop" the request due to what's called a "timeout". This "drop" means that it stops trying to send or retrieve the data. This is especially prevalent on systems that (like Y!A) use multiple machines for their databases in order to speed things up, rather than using a smaller (and more error-prone) database system with a speedier (but more expensive) solid state disk array.

    Also, if they're doing backups or moving lots of data around, it could have this effect, too. It all depends on where the data is needed, and how long it resides in the computer memory.

    Hope this helps... it's not you, it's them.

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