
Have you noticed that the same people who deny evolution and the big bang are usually the same people...?

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who deny man made global warming?

Most scientists support the theories of evolution and the big bang. No other explanation to date can better explain the origin of life and universe. Same thing with man made global warming.

Where would the world be if our scientists had a fairy tale, supernatural fundie view of the world instead of the cold, hard, mathemetical, fact based view that they have?

Most scientist reject supernatural beliefs (original Nature journal magazine article)




  1. It's not necessarily the same people, but they definitely use the same techniques.  Both groups of people are kind of like this:

    1) Find anyone with the letters "PhD" after their name that agrees with you and assert they are experts and credible, while the 100's or 1000's of other "PhD" in the actual field of science aren't.

    2) Scour the scientific literature (don't bother about understanding it) and find quotes that, when taken out of context, appear to support your position

    3) Claim open scientific debate is being squashed, no evidence needed

    4) Scrutinize to the minutest detail any evidence from mainstream scientists, and if you can find any error (no matter how minor or insignificant) assert that means the entire theory collapses.  But don't bother scrutinizing anything by people that agree with you, because they are trustworthy.

  2. And the same people that believe in global warming are the same that believe in Eugenics, Space Men, Big Foot, and the Loch Ness Monster?

  3. Yes, George Bush rounded them all up and gave them megaphones.

  4. I'm surprised so many folks have forgotten that the last ice age ended 10,000 years ago. The glaciers have been driven back two thousand miles, the oceans have risen hundreds of feet and we now have millions of acres of green, life-covered land that was only recently crushed under a mile of ice.

    I wonder why the AGW insistors forget that all this happened before man ever became industrialized?


    Okay, you want to hear from scientists whose grant money does not depend on their supporting the politics of those who issue their grants...?  Take off the blinders, please.

  5. yea

  6. I am starting to be convinced that there is a special gene that allows people to develop critical thinking skills that some people are just missing. Maybe in the future we will be able to check people's genome and determine the likelihood that they will fall for some ridiculous unscientific belief system.

  7. Many theories of global warning are presented as fact.  

    The facts are:

    Carbon  and and ozone  form carbon dioxide.

    Trees turn carbon diaxide into oxygen.

    Trees store carbon, cutting down trees release carbon into the atmosphere.

    Ozone minimizes radiation from the sun.


    The depleting of the ozone layer is causing a change in the climet.

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