
Have you noticed the complete lack of p**i athletes at the Olympics representing Britain. How racist !?

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Have you noticed the complete lack of p**i athletes at the Olympics representing Britain. How racist !?




  1. I'm surprised about that.  The UK is full of them.

  2. er you cant say the olympics are rascist when you've just said 'p**i' you div.

  3. I was wonderin the same thing. They don`t want to do anything for Britain. We give them everything they need and they do nothing for the country. Oh apart from taxis and curries late at night. But i can survive without them.

    Have you noticed how even though you have a good question, most people are more concerned that you chose to abbreviate the word Pakistani. Yet i read the word "Brit" all day long.

  4. Yes but at least Britain has a few of them in their cricket team

  5. Racist.

  6. Can you name any asians athletes aside from cricketers?  Well then there you go!!!  Until cricket becomes an olympic sport (which will never happen) you are not going to see many asians representing GB.

  7. Erm, I think most people find the "P" word fairly racist.

  8. if some one is playing for its country it is no more p**i or afro or hispanic then it is brits only. And more over if brits p**i shows real talent then why should someone stops them to participate.

    i think ur matality is racist. just comeup from p**i thing and think like brits.

  9. You sound surprised...

  10. a take it you've go an Asian wife and when i knew of her she was called Putma Handin

    but no doubt she dont participate in the gymnastics anymore,as the years have taken their toll on her,what being married to you in that

    oh almost forgot did she change her name as she said she would when she met a mug.

    between me and you and none of these will notice she was going to call herself

    Fingra Fudge

  11. i assume your deliberately contradicting yourself since nobody could be so stupid?

    no its not racist...its the usual political correctness gone mad...get over it

  12. They can't afford to shut their shops for that long.

  13. Ha ha,u shouldn't say p**i.Anyway without being racist Pakistani's are like Indians only good for Cricket.When they put that in the Olympics maybe we will see one.They are not allowed in the World Cup either.......cos every time they get a corner they open up a shop.

  14. You get the gold medal for this one. loll

  15. It makes me laugh that people answer this question getting there knickers twisted or making a completely serious answer. The real answer is that the Olympics clash with the world Kabuddy(soz for spelling!!!!) champs happening in Leeds as we speak. Also if you can call the turkish a turk, finland guy a fin and a polish person a builder, why cant you call a pakistani a p**i.

  16. LOL!!!

  17. We in athletics or in any other sports I would suggest welcome all races but if they are not competing how can you select them athletics is quite simple club. english schools. country I would suggest their big sport is cricket and the americans haven't let cricket into the olympics yet BMX Softball Basketball beach volleyball you see the road I'm going down but no cricket tossing the caber tiddlywinks or even conkers I wonder why or dare I suggest morris dancing well there you go I'm probably just an old cynic

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