
Have you noticed the impact of illegal immigration in your local area?

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how are things different than say 10 years ago?




  1. Well if you live in San Diego or L.A. you'd have to be blind not to see the negative impact, or just ignorant, possibly both.

  2. I can't say anything about noticing a downward trend over the past 10 years, but my county recently passed strong anti-illegal legislation (ordinances).  On the surface, it would seem like the general Hispanic population has decreased (personal observation)...

    You can Google "Prince William County" (its in Virginia) for more of our local efforts...

  3. The wages for construction jobs have been impacted locally.

    There has been a large increase in arrests of illegal aliens causing hit and run accidents, many causing deaths. When they try and apprehend the drivers they are later found to have returned to Mexico.

    MS 13 gang members have moved into the area

  4. There is a definite dramatic increase in foreign looking women pushing prams and often with 3 or more kids.Bus stops have shadowy serious looking people dressed in the firm belief that the UK is just about to become a desert because of global warming.

    When I go to central Kingston on Thames I really do get the feeling that the real British are beginning to feel as if they are yesterday's people due to the gangs of middle eastern youths seemingly dancing with delight at their luck on having been allowed into the 21st century.

    Apart from that not much really

  5. Sure I do. I'm starting to see them more and more once again and is enjoying every last minute of it. They don't bother anyone or anything here. They don't try to "Free Load" as been Claimed on Ya. I've seen where they put Cars and Etc up for Sale to make their Money. I don't see them out trying to "Knowingly" Break any "Real Laws" here. It's sad to see how Empty the Fields are here and how the Crops are Dying out because they are not in the Fields here and I must admit I don't too much blame them. They've Broke their Backs for this Country for many Years and now this Country has turned it's Back on them in the worst way. I've even seen them out going Fishing every once in a while. They Meet you they Speak with a Smile on their Faces here. I hate to see them Fight each other the one time that this had happen. But on the same Hand I've never known them to Fight with any Americans or others here. The People here get along pretty well with them even some Whites here like them. They come around they are like part of the Family in most Areas here. I've never heard anyone Nag about them being here. Only a very few Whites that's about it. But even most of them like the Mexicans here. Author, Eddie Smith

  6. Yes.  The illegal aliens have been run out and you can leave your car open, and the number of dopers is way, way down.

    In Arizona, we have to keep cars in a stockade and you locked your doors at night.  Once a month or so, the illegals went through the neighbor hoods and took everything they could get their hands on.

  7. Yes,crime(especially violent) is at an all time high,prices are outrageous,manners are almost non existent,some areas look,smell and feel like a foreign country,disease and illness is everywhere due to a lax hand washing attitude and it no longer looks clean as there is litter everywhere.

  8. Definitely. My kids had to start going to private school because when my kindergartener started there was only bilingual classes available. That is ridiculous, immersion in the English language works for anyone needing to learn a different language such as these anchor babies.

  9. Heck everybody looks diferent in my neiborhood.

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