
Have you noticed the one thing that brings atheists and Christians together?

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We can argue all day about whose believes are c**p and whose are true, but whenever someone mentions the Jonas Brothers, we all band together against them. Therefore, the Jonas Brothers have indeed contributed something positive to the world. And it sure as h**l isn't their music.




  1. I have to agree, I'm sure even Israel and Palestine could unite against them if called to it.  

  2. Oh come on now. Music is just perspective. Even though I like most of Snopp Dogg's stuff. Some I don't.

    I saw them on the telly. Not totally bad, eh ok I guess. But that una brow they have to do something with.

    I'm pre 60's by the way. More into rock, classical, country.

    Was using my daughters car. She has nice taste in music. Country one ended, should have heard me blasting    Buck Cherry   Your crazy b tch as I went down the road.   Now that song I like. Think I'll go pop in now and enjoy.

  3. Thumbs up Faerin. What are the jonas brothers?


    not really, i'm exaggerating, but you get my point.

    the jonas brothers suck

  5. Amen

    That Lizzy girl was starting to get on my MFin nerves

    but I thought originally it was are urge to argue over religon that brings us together..oh well, I learned something new today

  6. I cannot judge someone I have never heard.

  7. Never heard of them.

  8. hahaha agreed that it isn't their music.....

  9. maybe they are the chosen ones to unite all of those on the Earth and brighten the path of God's Plan.

    Or maybe whiny brats hold more bearing on our lives than god, seeing as hwo our media, culture and even political decisions rely on theyre decisions, likes and dislikes

  10. Yes i have noticed that vary few seam to like the "Jonas Brothers".

    I have only heard of the "Jonas Brothers" here @ yahoo.

    But do not be envious.

    Is there music/singing really that bad?

    Link Please.

  11. =.]

  12. The things that can unite the world:

    Discovery of an alien threat that will wipe out the world.

    Hating the Jonas Brothers

    Hating Hannah Montana

    Loving a good steak (minus the vegans)

    Living on the Earth

    Hating politics

    and last but not least....

    Hating beauty pageants.

  13. You know i do not hate the Jonas Brothers, i have never listened to them once but i think they are hated because they have 10 million 13 year old girls worshiping them.

  14. I thought it was Scientology that brought everyone together. Is there anyone who likes Scientology outside of its practitioners?

  15. Opposites attack...oops...Opposites attRact I mean.

  16. LOL that's funny.

    Hannah Montana too. I think every religion could agree

  17. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. haha very true

  19. Personally, I think we should find a common love rather than a common hate.

    However I make an exception in the case of the Jonas Brothers. I don't even know who they are, but every mention I have seen on here so far (bar yours) has been in a display that makes P&S look like a MENSA meeting.


    ~Loving Light~

  20. You & Lizzy & the Jonas Bros...

  21. LOLOLOLOL yeah!

    They,Hannah Montana,the entire cast of High School Musical,and Hilary Duff suck major a$$

    Talk about no talent little pricks

    They think they're so good,but they suck

    Only pre-teens like them,and when they get older,they'll be embarassed that they liked them

    I can't wait till they're has-beens getting caught doing crack in an alley next to a popular nightclub as well as they're filthy mugshots when they get arrested

  22. "We are the world...we are the children..."

    C'mon everybody!   "Koom-by-ah..."

  23. ... You are the Messiah.

  24. Hear hear!

  25. True!  

  26. Well, at least they're good for something.

  27. serious,who is Jonas brothers?

  28. That just proves that we can all join together under the right circumstances.  We should all thank the FSM and also Jesus for making The Jonas Brothers so repulsive.  It has united the un-unite-able!


  29. That, and we all agree that scientologists are freaky wacko cultists.

  30. No, I have never noticed that one thing.

  31. Jonas who?

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