
Have you noticed the vertical white 1" devices popping up in various neighborhoods?

by  |  earlier

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Electrical, usually affixed to poles or fences, and no one knows just what they're for. Called the Mayor's office here, and they wanted my name, address, social security number, where I worked, why I cared...etc.

All I asked is...what are they for?

They're hooked up to the wiring above, so they are getting power, or something is being...who knows?





  1. I appreciate your attempt to describe these things, but it would be much easier to know what you're talking about if you post a picture.

  2. Ya! Their for monitoring communications.  They hide the cameras a little better.   Look around and see if you see any cable boxes on poles with funny looking little black glass things on the side.  Their camera lenses.  Point a laser pointer at them, they just hate.

  3. It would be good if you could post a link to a picture of one.

    My wild guess is that they are a device to monitor pollution, since I have seen rows of little discs hanging off power lines near industrial areas.

  4. It would be useful if you could get us a photo of them. Although the Mayors office probably sounded suspicious, the people you were talking to were more likely covering for the fact that they had no clue what they were.

    They could be some form of monitoring device, or safety device.

  5. Surely you didn't give him your SS #. You have a right to ask about these things. That makes them look suspicious. Guess you didn't get an answer. Maybe you should try another time of day. Maybe you'll get a different person. If you can't get an answer and they keep telling you that you have to give this information...I'd call the police or a lawyer and ask them if that's a legal thing for them to ask of you. Whatever it're probably paying for it with your taxes.

  6. Sounds like cams. How they handled your call reaffirms its probably cams for Big Brother.

  7. They are called psionic converters.  But it's kind of odd that the Mayor's office would have asked for all that information about you...or maybe they're just checking the calibration of the devices to make sure they're working properly.

  8. Big brother is watching you.

  9. I sure would like to see a picture of one.

    BTW - Never give that kind of information to someone like that or for those kinds of reasons. They've got your phone number if they're authorized they can get anything they want from that.

  10. Could you tell me the loaction of thoses poles in what us state and what city.I have friends in the us who can check them out.Thanks

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