
Have you noticed there are not one but two sources of carbon with global warming?

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One is that car, and the other is that whole row of cars parked at the container port. There is so much carbon released each day from multiple sources it even hard to track it all. And unecessary too - people on yahoo using electricity powered by coal to run their laptops. Your laundry machine, the tv you watch mindlessly. Look at chemistry - a lot of reactions produce carbon dioxide. Its almost a way of life for us. Its not our problem - its part of us and even more than us. No wonder were warming - we could do a LOT less




  1. CO2 is in no way a problem.  It's plant food, and needed in earth's natural development.  There is no possible way that man can influence the world's climate.  The amount we add is so miniscule that it can't be measured.

    Global warming isn't real.  Al Gore and his science-fiction movie didn't convince enough people.  Those who do believe in it either have no knowledge of science or are intense leftist/socialist supporters.

  2. What!? How can you call it a way of life for us and then say it's not our problem? That's a glaring contradiction. Yes there are many sources of carbon dioxide, but they're all replaceable. Coal and oil as sources of energy are obsolescent. We've had the technology to replace carbon-based fuels for years. It just hasn't been done yet because of the stranglehold the oil and coal industry lobbiests have on our government.

    AgsFan...don't make suppositions about things you clearly know nothing about. The global warming trend is based on factual scientific studies. But I see from your profile that you probably don't "believe" in factual science, but you instead choose to base your entire belief system on a book of mythology (the Bible). The Bible was meant to provide a moral basis to live your life by, not to be interpreted literally. Oh yeah, and how could you possibly believe that mass media is liberal - the large news organizations are all clearly biased toward the right-wing.

  3. I would rather be around a warm person then a cold one.

  4. No, actually I have NOT noticed; since global warming does not exist!   The term was coined by your liberal wacko hero Al Gore (who was prevented from even considering trying to get the left-wing liberal nomination for president this year because he would've been literally destroyed on that non-topic)!!   It is just so incredibly funny that left-wing sympathizers will believe anything that the mainstream liberal media feeds to them; even though it is so often propaganda, and has absolutely no basis in fact!

  5. They know they can't say "carbon monoxide" because cars are cleaner-burning these days and CO2 is a product of "perfect combustion" in the ideal car that produces no pollution.  So they're making people forget this and think that's CO2 is a bad thing when it's not.  Plus, Al Gore would look like a demon is he said he was excusing his private jet flights by puchasing "carbon monoxide credits."  "Carbon credits" sounds a lot less villainous and hypocritical!    Pollution and waste is bad...CO2 is not.  

    Someone here even said that she was working on an experiement in her state using extra CO2 on plants and vegetables that made them grow even better!  That sounds good for crops and the food supply to me.

  6. uhhh yea, that's right.   how bout when we flatulate?

  7. Ask the French how much CO2 their laptops give off (answer: almost nothing).

    We already have nuclear fission which can completely solve the problem of CO2 from electricity production (the largest part of global warming) if we'd just use it and there are ideas for solving the problem with transportation fuels (synthetic hydrocarbons produced using process heat from high temperature nuclear reactors would probably be the best bet).

  8. yep.

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