
Have you opened up to living your best life? If so, what changes did you make when this happened.?

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My husband & I quit our jobs. We now have a business & it looks like it is going to go well. We want to travel. I have more time to do as I want to do now & I am learning about subjects I didn't have time to learn about before. What makes your life special? I know people say family & friends & I agree but I am looking for ideas that I can focus on to make my life extradinary.




  1. I became independent......I depend only on myself and God.

    I try to live a healthy life right and exercise at least  three times a week.

  2. Don't get caught up in the small stuff.  Let go of bitterness and anger toward others and forgive.  Always remember that living today is not a promise that you will see a tomorrow.  So when you are afforded an opportunity to pursue your goals take it.  You say you want to travel, well if you have the money it's time that you start actively planning that trip.

    I always wanted to travel so I joined the military and travel I have.  I am goal oriented so when I want something, I go about figuring out how I can make it happen.  Everyone finds their own path of success.

  3. Well i dont take things seriously. I began to exersize more and lost 50 pounds in 5 months. Not amazing but its great for me. I also quit my job and live with my 90 year old grandfather. He makes me want to live because of his humor and wisdom. I try to wake up everyday with a good feeling. I never go to sleep madd. And really i just be myself. Its the best way to live life. Sorry if i sound like a hippy , hahah , i look like one too

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