
Have you or anyone you know ever broken up more than once with your spouse before getting married?

by  |  earlier

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breaking up in the dating stages i mean..

And how long did these break ups last?

thank you for all replies




  1. when my hubby and I were dating we must have broken up at least 5 times.....for weeks at a time....but we always made it back together everytime. I know immature. But our marriage is well above and beyond the dating days! Its great!

  2. This question made me laugh.  We broke up all the time before we got married.  Now we're divorced.  Should have been a red flag for me.  

  3. My parents broke up twice while dating. My dad proposed twice and was turned down twice (she eventually asked him). They've been married for nearly 25 years

  4. During the two years we dated we broke up twice- i moved out and back in and out and back in.  We were married five years in which we saw two marriage counselors and now are in the process of divorce... needless to say we should have gotten the hint.

  5. Yes I have been with my spouse for 15 years its a learning experience and things happen.  It's not always peaches and cream.  You will always jump through hurdles.  It just make the relationship stronger and yes we got married through it all

  6. Yep, quite a few times! The first time lasted a few years, then the other few times only lasted a few days each.

  7. My husband and I broke up probably about three times while we were dating.  I want to say one of the break-ups was about 9 months.  We saw each other occasionally during this time, but we had a lot of issues to resolve before we could get back together.  Interestingly enough, we had also liked each other four years before we started dating--but neither of us knew the other person liked him/her.  So while our relationship has perhaps not fit all the stereotypes of what is romantic, I do think we were meant to be together.  Our paths just always kept crossing, our lives always kept intertwining.  

  8. My husband and I broke up for a day when we were dating. Lame, I know!

  9. oh sure . i lost count . but most of them were little fights . but we had 3 majors ones. the majors lasted about two weeks but  i would see him though.  we were a bit inseperable even when we were fighting . little stuffs like . i forgot my shirt at your house ,can i come pick it up?

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