
Have you or anyone you know ever done anything this silly?

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    That is the best thing I've read all day!

    I um...hide in the laundry shoot in my friends house once during hide-and-go-seek.

  2. Ha! ha! ha` no I never have. I saw this when it was on the news and couldn`t help but laugh...thank goodness she wasn`t hurt...

  3. No

  4. yep i did this once! lol it really hurt tho!! lol

  5. lol! nup

  6. No never, aahhh the poor old lady, bet she just did it on purpose as wanted a bit of excitement in her life........!!!! funny that.........

  7. HAHAHA! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week!

    Don't know anyone who has done something quite that silly...yet.

  8. ha, wow....

  9. Awwwhh... poor old luv!  

    Can't think of anything that silly at the moment, but I'm sure I have done.. (especially when under the influence!) lol

  10. hahaha! no.

  11. Nope, but I wish I could

  12. Almost - well not me but my m-i-l has ! We took her to Spain last year and just as well we checked her luggage 'cos in her hand baggage she had a knife ( to cut her apple ) and her knitting+needles. We put that away properly and she brings out a large bottle of water from her pocket !

    We were going through check-in and the 'bleep' went off . So, they took her away in her wheelchair for a body search. She hid her money in her corset secured with a huge kilt pin!

    Next time we take her we might put her on the luggage chute for a laugh !

  13. not quite!

  14. Sorry my first  reaction was to laugh,

    No i haven't ..

  15. No, not that I've ever been abroad before, but that's ridiculous

  16. I fancy a go at that!

  17. LMFAO !

    "She was quickly swept off to the baggage handling centre, where staff members helped get her back on her feet."

    Was PxSSiNG myself HAHAA!!

    Not quitee.. :]

  18. Ha Ha Gart......Not done this yet.......but lots of other silly things !

  19. No! How silly!

  20. There's the case for euthinasia!

  21. oh come on, she did what all of us secretly want to go girl, you slide down that chute!


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