
Have you or someone you know had any encounters with the paranormal/supernatural? If no, do you believe anyway

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I've heard some chilling storied about ghosts, even a couple about possessions, UFO's etc. Anything else you want to share is fine too, I'm just curious.

Honestly, I had an experience when I was young that part of me wants to blame on a ghost, but I am huge skeptic. What do you think? No one please insult the beliefs or feelings of others here, let's respect what each other have to say.




  1. I've been to and stayed in a few haunted places.  Whether it be a run down asylum, abandoned hospital, New Orleans Orphanage and a Castle in Abroath, Scotland that was originally a hospital.

    Out all these particular places, the castle in Scotland, something happened to make my hair stand up on the back of my neck.  

    The castle is called Hospitalfield House

    The caretaker of the castle took all of us on a tour, when we entered the gallery room, it was quite cold compared to the other rooms we had been in.  The caretaker turned on some hot lamps to heat the room while he continued on about the paintings, sculptures and various other artwork.  I was sitting to the upper right of the room on the arm of the couch.  I was staring at a self-portrait of James Fraser, the last owner before he turned it over to be used by visiting artists.  A secret door to a tower slowly opened up which the painting was hung on.  I had no idea it was there.  The caretaker asked if I had opened the door, when I told him "no".  He responded, "Well when things open up on their own.  We tend to just leave them open."  

    Though it could've just opened up, since the room had warmed up and the tower was still cold.  However, it's more fun to think otherwise.

  2. I have had no encounters that I would call paranormal.  It's been my experience that you must first believe in the paranormal before you call something paranormal.  I realize this creates a "chicken and egg" situation, so I have to think that the paranormal experience has to be something misunderstood due to a lack of data, inability to understand (i.e. children), suggestibility, hallucination (i.e. sleep paralysis or a waking dream) or simply a certain frame of mind.  This is just a hypothesis, but from my personal--and, granted, subjective--perspective it applies to all paranormal claims and explains why there is no objective, material evidence supporting these experiences.

    I do not say this to imply those who have had paranormal experiences are mentally ill, unintelligent, foolish, etc.  I whole-heartedly believe many people have had experiences with seemingly paranormal phenomena.  I assert that those experiences may not be exactly as they appeared to be.

  3. The closest I came to the paranormal (except the questionable Ouija Board) was years ago when i was a young adult I was sleeping in my bed (with the ex-wife) and in the "dream" I was standing outside our bedroom window. I jumped into the air, maybe five feet, hit the ground lightly and leapt at least 2-stories in the air. When I started falling I opened my arms and did a belly flop into the ground, BUT SUNK THROUGH IT! As i was sinking into the ground, I told myself: "Wake up now or you are going to die!" I pushed myself up from the bed, like I was doing push ups (I was sleeping on my stomach), breathing fast.

    It could have been a dream, but it was so close to where I was really sleeping, and it felt like an out-of-body experience!

  4. Yes, I have.....

  5. Most people have some sort of physic ability but as I've said so many times, when we were children we were told, "go play, it's your imagination."  As we grow older we discover that these things are real. 50 years ago, as a child I was walking home from school.  My mother had told me on several occasions to never take the route that I decided to take that day.  I was walking with another little girl down a busy city street when I looked up and there was a man walking towards us.  I immediately got upset and ask my friend to cross the street and she refused since it was a very busy street. I told her that the man was going to hurt me and she laughed.  I was terrified but as we got closer the man stepped around my friend and stepped in behind me and grabbed me around the neck.  He kept thumping me in my chest and then would point to the traffic and said, "see that".  When I finally looked down at my chest I realized that he had been thumping me with the butt end of a knife. Luckily a patrol car drove by about that time and the man turned me loose and ran.  This was my first physic experience and probably the worst one I've ever had.  I've had several since then but most of them come to me in dreams and eventually they happen.  I've always been a skeptic and it has taken me years to accept the gift that I have and realize that things do happen that we will never understand.  It is called an unproven science and that is the reason that for the past 5 years I have been a paranormal research investigator.  I feel stongly that ghosts or spirits can't hurt you unless you let them hurt you.  Good Luck!


  6. When I was in college and doing some homeworks, I saw a white lady.  Eversince, when I am lost or have a problem, I call on her and it helps.

  7. We were on holiday in a caravan in Wales. The two children were in a separate bedroom. In the middle of the night we felt someone climbing up the bed, we thought it was out youngest son. Turned on the light - no-one there. The lad was still in his bed fast asleep. We both felt it. It was really weird.

  8. I had similar experiences all gone after I started wearing a crucifix.

  9. the closest  i  ever  had  to  a paranormal experience  was with the use of grass or lsd ....reality  was  distorted the present seemed eternal,the past  a nightmare and the future an ending to  an wasas if my ego was  like a  drop in the  bucket. i never saw a  ufo or a ghost or had a  vision but i always been attracted to  the subject.oneof the firsty books i read on the  subject   was by   carlos  castenada  journey to ixland...i was  not  a  convincing  book..the  second  book  that  wasmuch more  convincing  was  the  autobiography of ayogi .i did participate in a session that included automatic writing that  seemed impressive .the person  writing  seemed to be channelling thoughts from his  best friend sitting  by his  side.listening to sai baba  stories seemed fascinating .

  10. for me' they have their own world so like us' its okey to believe or not to believe since its your own predicament nor creation of idea how to justify what you believe or not to believe as long that you could not harm anybody with your own imagination' curiosity is a simple way of discovering of your own containment. Go... explore what you want.. of course with the guidance of your elders'

  11. I often awake with a long hardness in bed with me.

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