
Have you personally tried any eye excersises?

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Have you personally tried any eye excersises that claim to cure eyesight problems? What are some that work? Which ones are worth trying for a 2.something+- (two point something) 43 year old? how old are you (a range is okay, i don't need a specific age although preferred). Also what eye problem do you have and where did you get the excerises/books/ etc from for how much?




  1. I have very bad vision. 20/650+ and 25/650+.  I am 50.

    All my life I've had to do exercises for my eyes.  I've had to wear patches on both eyes and work with the Amsler grid.

    The Amsler Grid is the only exercise I recommend since it was created by Drs. of Ophthalmology.  If you want other exercises, you might want to check with the Society for the Blind.

    BTW: even though my vision is bad, I can drive since I've used the Amsler grid.

  2. I havn't tried any eye excersises yet but i've looked them up on the internet previously and "palming" is an excersise that popped up quite regularly, as it relaxes the eyes. There are also other excersises that you can do like looking from side to side or up and down, in order to strengthen your eyes. There is also a game you can play while driving which includes tracing around cars ahead of you with your nose. My dad wears glasses and he bought the book "Natural Vision Improvment" by Janet Goodrich and his sight slightly improved.

    Im no expert but i do hope i've helped just a little :P

  3. yes i get them to do situps

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