
Have you play?

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beach volleyball, does you like play vb on the beach, how does it feel when you play on nice soft sand?




  1. its pretty cool but its harder to do everything moving through the sand and its also harder to jump for a spike but its really fun and i think you should try it. but youll never get hurt cuz if you fall its just the sand. but it can also hurt your knees if your knees rub angainst the sand but its really fun

  2. Well If you Play volleyball in the gym its a lot different on the sand...just cuz the sad is soft makes a lot different, i'm sure you wont have shoes on so its really hard. The sand is super hard to play.  It is fun having your feet in the cool sand but its really hard.

  3. i feel me very happy

  4. i like beach volleyball, theres a softer landing surface when you do those great dives to save your team.  However it is harder to move in the sand, which builds great legs, and if it's windy it can get really annoying to have sand flying in your face and stuff. That's my oppinon

  5. thankz 4 the vote 4 me i might pick u but idk maybe umm yeah beach volleyball is so much fun i liv in ohio but when i go 2 florida i luv 2 play in the cozy sand it fells so good

  6. its really hard to run in sand for practice and in the game its pretty good....i should know because i play on an off season team over here

  7. well its harder to jump is it not, than regular courts?

    there is more heat than in a gym

  8. It is very difficult playing VB in the sand. It's much harder to run and play the ball.

    Also, because the sand isn't a solid surface, you can't jump as well.

    One thing though you can dive for the ball with less fear of injury.

    M. Clark

  9. I feel Itching, thats why I just like to watch girls playing


    And hey Did you accept my apology? You thought I stole your joke, and later I told you that I did not know.

  10. beach volleyball rocks!! it's great on the sand. the first couple times you play your feet KILL you cuz they're not used to it but dont give up and dont wear those plastic sock things
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