
Have you reached this point of love

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It grows near for Roscoe and me.

The dog limps now

can't finish his walks

not from age

but ravaged

by disease

he snores loudly

in his sleep

not from

peaceful slumber

but his struggle

to fight to


he wakes


greeting you

with his sweet

loyal kiss

in a desperate

attempt to


how weak and weary

he's become

his devotion

to be by your side

fuels his


to endure

whatever the cost

and you want him

to be with you

forever but

cannot watch his


any longer

his love deserves

bravery in return

the suffering

must end


you do the most

unselfish thing

you've never done.




  1. He's counting on you, ma.

    I've been there; even done it myself, in the woods, smoking gun, fresh dirt.

    Wonderful words.

  2. sad but true...i feel your concern. its always tough to loose a freind or a family member, two legged or four legged.

  3. No but I sure wish I did, that is beautiful

  4. This is one of the most beautiful poems I've ever read..and I say this with the utmost sincerity.  I just had to put my 15 year old Lab to sleep two weeks ago, and this poem comforts me..knowing I did what was best for her.

  5. Thanks for this, I had to do the right thing for my old faithful Jack the poodle in April,  your poem speaks of the bravery of all pets and their owners.  Thank you.

  6. Your beautiful, compassionate poem shines with the light of love in every word.  I have been through this twice with two beloved dogs, staying right with them until it was over.  I gave them a kiss goodbye, but they are somehow still with me.  Thank you.

  7. Absolutely love this line;

    his love deserves

    bravery in return

    the suffering

    must end


    you do the most

    unselfish thing

    you've never done.

    Sometimes we do what's best for us not realizing the impact on others.  This line shows you've come full circle and see the err of your ways.   Dogs are such loyal companions, they're great aren't they?

  8. Zowie .... That puts me in a place I'd rather not remember being in.....

    ... but suffice it to say that it takes a STRONG love to do what's best .... for the other.

    Stay Strong Ma.

  9. Thank God our beloved fuzzy friends have us to help them when the time comes.  Have been there twice and I feel your hurt.

    I am holding you across the miles.

  10. This is beautiful and the next bravest and unselfish thing I would it do it to let him sleep peacefully......eternity

  11. beautiful, I too often have poetic happens it's rare but from time to time I'll come out with something worth hearing.

  12. The brothers here at the monastry have had a word with the Big guy upstairs and he says not to worry.

    He's got a cosy basket of clean laundry for him to curl up on and wait for you.....

    He knows it will be a long wait, but that's ok. He will be looked after and loved in the meantime!

  13. Yes, the first little dog we had was like that and we should have taken her to the vet sooner. We thought we were treating her kindly, not knowing that she was slowly suffering.She was given an injection ad passed away in our arms.

    Painful memories but a lesson learned.

    Blessings from

    Rose P.

  14. Yes I have. She was euthenased on June 11th.

    Her name was Gypsy, a dog that I came across in 2000 when I was doing my volunteer work at the animal shelter.She had been very ill, with heartworm and an major infection, but they pulled her through. My Mother was lonely, so I bought Gypsy in the hope that they would be there for each other.

    Gypsy and Mum became best friends. Gypsy and I decided that we must be sisters, because we had the same Mum.

    A Few years ago, my Mum died. It was four hot days before we found her. Gypsy  and chookie (the other dog) stood at the foot of her bed, guarding her poor swollen body. They would not let the police approach her body, I had to be taken in to remove them.

    That event traumatized us, yet it drew us together as a little pack. The loyal Gypsy and little Chookie came to live with me. My "Sister" and I missed our Mum so much, but we still had each other.

    Gypsy was diagnosed earlier this year with an enormous melanoma in her mouth. She had radio therapy, which cured it, but we knew that secondaries would apprear sooner or later. We had two good weeks before it hit again, her liver, inoperable, painful. The time had come to free my dear sister from her pain.

    The vet is a friend of mine, so came to the house, and quietly put her to sleep as I held her talking to her. Then she was gone. I felt her soft muzzle, looked at her beautiful face, she was no longer there.

    Gypsy was a large dog and was 13 years old when she passed.

  15. Thats a really good poem, and I know its about a dog, but I had to put my cat to sleep last year so he wouldnt suffer anymore.  It was really sad and hard.  Beautiful poem, thanks for sharing!

  16. yes, but he died before I could do the unselfish thing, so I layed on the floor with him all night as he passed, then went and buried him in his favorite spot in the garden, then I wept for the 15 years he'd been so loyal..

    Thanks for the tears this morn. ma... :>}

    Hope it goes well!

  17. wow,you moved me to tears. i felt every word of that wonderful poem. your a brave and wonderful person. your in my heart and thoughts. Roscoe too.

  18. no, i haven't.

    *hugs* sorry ......  i'm sure this is difficult.



  19. Sometimes the right thing to do is what hurts the most.  I have put three dogs to sleep and it rips me apart each time.  God bless you.

  20. Thank you ma (WOYA) for your heart-melting verse showing your care for your pet-companion-dog!

    But  I feel like all good poems, this too is out of over-reacting emotional burst.

    from what I've been given to understand, the dog is not ready to meet its end.

    i'm not in favor of hasty mercy-killing. Why not let natural death take the dog in its hand?

    That's how my thoughts go.



  21. Oh, Ma, that was absolutely beautiful and sad.  I am in a similar situation with my Red Dog but it is from age.

    I am so saddened to hear this.

    I am crying for you, Roscoe, me and Red Dog.

    My heart and prayers go out for the both of you and there will Always be someone watching over the two of you.

    Roscoe - many hugs and kisses go out to you.

    You may already be familiar with this:

    But, I was introduced to it recently and it helps me and I hope it does the same for you.

  22. When I took Molly in to be put down, I held the truest friend I ever had in my arms as she gently slipped away. As hard as it was, I could not imagine not being with her when she passed. Blessings & comfort to you dear one. peace

  23. Oh Ma.

    All the love we have to give is sent your way. Through you to Roscoe.

    My heart cries for you but celebrates the love you have had from a wonderful companion.

  24. Poor Roscoe and poor you.  I can't even imagine the pain and the bravery needed to help a beloved pet move on to the finale.

  25. I thought that Roscoe the talking dog was still here in yahoo answers.

  26. thanks for making me cry already this morning, it's not even 7am. .. a beautiful poem about the worst possible topic.  i've been there many times and it never gets easier. i'm terrible when it comes to facing that time. please say this isn't happening to you and roscoe right now..  

  27. Having been through this myself, your words speak with clarity, compassion and love.  Well said.  A person once told me to look in the eyes of your pet. The eyes will tell you when it's time.  Good luck.

  28. Big hug ma, our love & inspiration outlive us all, as does our written words.

    All the best my friend, you deserve it, you give it.

    And a hug for Roscoe.

    We outlive our pets, it is the way it is as a rule, it hurts.

  29. Not gone,

    Just gone on ahead.

  30. oh gosh ma, i am so sorry.

    this brought tears to my eyes.  i have had to do that and i cried for 3 days straight.  i was inconsolable.  

    if you need someone to talk to, please feel free to e-mail me.

  31. Wow! Chills down my spine. Awesome words. I feel every one of them. We had to put my wife's little poodle down a few years ago. Now I'm approaching that point again. My 12-year Boxer companion has just about reached that stage described in your poem. I dread that day and at this point don't know if I can face that day when it comes or if I'll have the strength to do it. That will be one of the saddest days of my life

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