
Have you read: McCain Shines at Saddleback Forum? Why doesn't Obama have a clue as to when human life begins?

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It is important to cover all of the issues.

In particular, why doesn't Obama have a formulated opinion as to when life begins? He professes to be a Christian, is always spouting off his academic resume, has been the father of two daughters (and we expect listened to his daughter's heartbeats and felt them kicking from inside the womb), and yet he cannot articulate the fundamental precept one MUST have before endorsing abortion politics.

I am genuinely asking, both Pro-Life and Pro-Choice advocates, isn't it baffling that he could not answer any better than "that's above my pay grade?"




  1. I think that was his quick answer cause he could not click in what would be the best answer for his political position.  I also believe life begins at Conception.....but I also believe in Pro-choice.....not good?  What if it was incest or a horrible rape?  Incest I do not like....a horrible rape could be turned into something wonderful I can imagine.  A baby is to be celebrated.  I have really mixed emotions on this.

  2. He probably thinks that his children just evolved inside Michelle.  He has no clue where babies come from.

  3. He said what I would is up to the woman whether they want a child or not.

  4. Thats all Obama does at work. He votes Present, I guess a lot of issues are above his pay grade.

    Present 130 times.  He is not a leader, he can;t even decide Yes, or No.    

  5. While he could have given a better answer, it seems presumptious of ANY of us to KNOW when life BEGINS.  That's so silly.  100 years ago, a very premature baby wouldn't survive...with technology, a very premature baby can now live.  Is that a 'life' then...if machines can save it?  I get your point...all I'm saying is that it's not so black and white as many would have people believe.  He should have given a better answer, but I understand as it's a complicated question and one that is not easily known.  People can be presumptuous and think and believe they know the answer, but they do not.  It's merely opinion.  I mean...some will say life starts at conception, but many will disagree.  Being Christian does NOT mean one must be pro life...that's silly.  Christians are also pro death penalty and that kills people who there can be NO debate about whether they are alive or not.

  6. The guy is a noob ... he needs A LOT more experience ... what did you expect?  

  7. Its safe to assume that anyone that is pro-choice believes that life starts at birth.  Funny thing is I don't know too many people that celebrate their "Conception Day", but I do know a lot of people that celebrate their "Birthday".  And if life starts at conception then god is the biggest abortionist of all since approximately 1/3 of all pregnancies are terminated prematurely due to natural causes.

  8. Oh, that is typical of the left.

    Example: Pelosi is supposed to be Catholic, yet she doesn't know her own professed religion's stand on when life begins. What a rube!

    I suppose she will be after the Pope;s job when she isn't elected again.


    Religion Clinging

    Gun Toting

    Christian Conservative

    McCain/Palin 08

  9. because "it's above his paygrade"

    who cares that doesn't make it any difference on your view

    what a moron

  10. Let me ask you. What will McCain do to stop abortion? I'm prolife and almost voted republican just because of religious issues. But then i grew up and realized that abortion hasnt changed with Bush as president...and CA now lets g**s marry!!


  11. The question isn't whether live begins at conception, but rather at conception if the living being has a "soul" so to say, a being with thoughts and feelings.  Can the fetus in the mother "love" and exhibit natural human qualities?  Now I think that's where the main disagreement lies among pro-life and pro-choice people, and I think Obama was very smart in saying he didn't know if human life as we know it, exhibiting these qualities as we know it, begins at conception.  And one's stance on abortion is not a requirement for salvation.  Tell me once place in scripture where you must agree with the Republican's party abortion stance.  You can't. All it says is "There is no condemnation for those in Christ".  Also, another thing to think about.  If you overturn Roe v Wade and make abortions of any kind illegal, then you create in return a black market for abortion. Mothers will go to back alleys to get amateurs to perform bad abortions with no health standards or certified doctors, and there will be MORE human deaths because the mother in many cases WILL die from botched abortions done in the black market so to so. Being a Christian DOES NOT mean you're anti-abortion.

  12. He doesn't feel it's a life at all till it grows up and he can tax it.

  13. First of all, NO GOD IN POLITICS!

    Second of all, all republicans always spout about the freedom that they bring to the people. But all they do is try to enforce christian law.

    As a christian I think that abortions are wrong, but as someone who's got a few braincells I also know that it is even wronger to dictate my PERSONAL belief on to the life of other people. Someone who's "pro life" as they like to call it, is only a fascist in disguise, trying to force the ways of the church onto normal free people.

    Please America stop mixing God with politics, it's as anti-freedom as it gets.  

  14. bc he is a r****d.

    and in his fathers day speech obama said that fatherhood begins at conception.

    So, i dont understand how a childs life doesnt.

    I guess it is above his paygrade and so is the presidency!

  15. mark my words mccain will be president

  16. You know full well Obama did answer in much more detail than the little snippet you selected to misrepresent Obama's position.

  17. Barack Obamais two-faced, inexperienced and intoxicated by the sound of his own voice.

  18. He would have known the answer if we would have had his teleprompter!

  19. If life begins at conception, with one life and soul and everything, what happens if that little blastocyst spontaneously divides into natural twins?

    Obama said he doesn't know because he doesn't know. You don't know, unless you can tell me which has the soul, Mary-Kate or Ashley.

    Edit: Oh, you were doing so well until that last sentence.

    If you combine a sperm and an ovum, you get a fertilized egg. You want to call this one person. Only, once you have this fertilized egg, you can divide it in two and get twins. Divide it again: twins. Divide it again: twins. Can you do this to adult humans? Can you do this to babies? If you had one person, where did that person go when the egg divided?  Adults do not stop existing. Babies do not stop existing.

    You can freeze these eggs. You can thaw them out again. Can you do this to adult humans? Can you do this to babies?

    Mothers don't mourn a fertilized egg that never implants. We don't hold rites every time we have s*x in case of the 50% chance of a fertilized egg never implanting. Frequently, women don't mourn first-trimester miscarriages that happen before they knew they were pregnant. But we know an adult exists; we know a baby exists.

    Determining when a single human life begins is not up to you and it's not up to me, but I can tell you: life does not take place according to your definitions.

    Like, I am willing to bet, most other things.

  20. I know what you mean.  Why doesn't Obama listen to God, the way we Republicans have?  Just last night, God came to me and said, "Life begins at conception."  Who am I not to trust God's infallible Word?

  21. He can't take a strong stand on anything. He's a coward and he's afraid to give a wrong answer on that one. He's all about pleasing the people.

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