
Have you read a book? its title bought you completely but once you've read it...?

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turns out to be an unexpected story, where in some cases is good and some bad...its happened to me, has it happened to you?




  1. I read The Ethical Assassin by David Liss, and I was totally suckered in by the title and the "praise" offered about the author.  It was a good book now that I have some distance between me and it, but I was pretty disappointed immediately afterwords.  That happens a lot to me though, I expect one thing and get another.  Usually after a couple weeks I get over it.

  2. Quo Vadis? by Henryk Sienkiewicz. I adore the things that I cannot understand, so that they keep me in wondering, in trying to find out. This one did. And the book? well, I knew what to expect. And the book was awesome. But when I read what the title means [the very end of the book], it just took me off completely.

    Disgrace by JM Coetzee. The title was promising a lot. I just never imagined about this kind of disgrace that the author described in this book..

  3. Yeah, a while ago, there was this book called Girl in the Window (or something) which looked good, and the cover art helped, but the story wasn't what I'd thought it would be. I STILL don't know if I like it. And I read it literally two or three years ago.

    Edit: It apparently hasn't happened to anyone else. But don't worry. You're not alone.

  4. I found the book, 'Looking for Alibrandi' while looking for /another/ book, and they happened to be on the same shelf. It was funny, insightful and sad, yet with hope. I liked it very much.

    There was another book, 'How I Live Now', written by Meg Rosoff, that also looked promising, but when I opened it, the tenses kept changing from past to present. It confused me so much that I put it down on page 13. I'm still not sure whether the changes were deliberate.

    Another one was 'Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About' by Mil Millington, which was very funny, but out of five stars must only be given two. There was no plot whatsoever, and the girlfriend was such a witch I wondered why the guy was still with her.  

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