
Have you read about the "Record Low Temperatures in Parts of U.S.?

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  1. Yes. No doubt the crackpots who think that being a blogger in their mommy's basement makes them morequalified than experienced scientists will fixate on this.  They are really so out of touch with reality that they don'et even realiize all they are doing is showig their ignorance.  Why?  Simply put--glaobal warming refers to overall (GLOBAL) trends--not to local or seasonal variations. The Earth is a ery large and complex system--so of course you have a few odd variations at some place most of the time. These kooks are so uninformed about real science that they don't realize that. So they ignre the 99.9% of the datat at any given time that prove global warming is happening--and concentrate on the 0.1% of odd readings that aren't even significant in the first place.

  2. There you go, spreading those vicious rumors and lies.  don't you know the world is heating UP< UP UP>>>>>  just ask gore, if you can catch that jet on the ground long enough, he tell you.

  3. the increase of gasses in the atmosfere disturbed the air and sea current. aspect more changes in the future. rain will only fall in the equiter part of earth and some desert while the change in stream of sea and air current will leave the western and uropean part of the world in frost and dry of water suply. in a few years or so after this occur the world as we know it will go on an overall drought with the country in the indo - malay archopallago submerge into the sea due to constant rain. even the hawaian ireland will be gone. the drought will continue for three years untill even the biggest tree in the amazon wither and lost all its leaves. (this is a sure promanition which will happend with no doubts in it. be prepared)

  4. Yep. It's about 15 degrees colder than normal here. Snowed last night, in fact.

    Many in this part of the US have said this winter is very similar to the winter before March '93. I remember that March. We had almost 18 inches of snow in our back yard. And we lived in NE Alabama at the time!

    When I was in elementary school, about 20 years ago, they told us that by the time we were grown up and  had kids, the glaciers would have overtaken Canada and parts of the Northern U.S. They also said that it would happen because of humans.

    Well, I now have 3 kids and instead of freezing to death, they say we're going to burn up!

  5. There you go thinking for yourself again! I bet you won't even be voting for Hillary, or Obama. Some people can't be helped. tsk tsk tsk

  6. That's not en vogue....that's cooling.


    That something is called weather.  

    Unfortunately global warming does not magically replace normal weather fluctuations.

    If the global warming that has happened so far has been identified as a fraction of a degree, just how noticeable would you conclude that that fraction of a degree be in your daily weather?  

    Not noticeable at all, until you look at a 125 year record of yearly global averages:

    It's crazy what people will cling to (weather reports) to deny what's happening (subtle long term changes in climate).

  8. Yes, and have you heard that temps. haven't gone up in a decade.

    Also, temps. are supposed to start to fall in a few years or it could possibly have started in 2007 which was the coldest year globally since 2001.

  9. Record lows get your facts right

    Here are the record lows

    Colorado       -61    Feb.  1, 1985

    Montana        -70    Jan. 20, 1954

    Texas          -23    Feb.  8, 1933

    The North American low of -81.4°F. was recorded at Snag in Canada's Yukon Territory, on Feb. 3, 1947.

    The lowest ever recorded in the contiguous 48 States, was -69.7°F (rounded off to -70°F) at Rogers Pass, in Lewis and Clark County, Mont., on Jan. 20, 1954.

    Antarctica -129 Vostok 11220 21 Jul 1983

    Asia -90 Oimekon, Russia 2625 6 Feb 1933

    Asia -90 Verkhoyansk, Russia 350 7 Feb 1892

    Greenland -87 Northice 7687 9 Jan 1954

    North America -81.4 Snag, Yukon, Canada 2120 3 Feb 1947

    Europe -67 Ust'Shchugor, Russia 279 January @

    South Amercia -27 Sarmiento, Argentina 879 1 Jun 1907

    Africa -11 Ifrane, Morocco 5364 11 Feb 1935

    Australia -9.4 Charlotte Pass, NSW 5758 29 Jun 1994

    Oceania 12 Mauna Kea Observatory ,HI 13,773 17 May 1979

    @ Exact date unknown, lowest in 15-year period

  10. That's just Packer football weather.

  11. Yeah, I did. But whats your point? or are you just making converstaion?

  12. Yes, I have. I don't see what significance this has to *global* warming, however. Unless you're somehow implying that temperatures over a relatively small portion of a relatively small portion of Earth's surface over a very short time span are indicative of long term global temperatures. But surely you know better than that, don't you?

    Of course you do. Silly me for even bringing it up.

  13. global warming causes record low temperatures. Haven't you been indoctrinated yet?

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