
Have you read about the torture/murder case of Dorothy Dixon?

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Those responsible deserve a fate worse than death. I need to take a bath. R.I.P., Dorothy.




  1. i am absoultly LIVID!!!!!  where was her social worker?  she must have had one if she had a son.  i'm sure welfare was giving her some money or support.  a person like dorothy is such an easy target for people like that (i won't say).  i'm going to follow this story if i can.  hopefully someone here will keep us updated.  they had better put that woman away for life in maximum security.  and her idiot kids too.  i could care less how old (young) they are.  no more than she cared for dorothy, her unborn child, or her 1 year old son whom was probably abused also.  (at the least we know he lived in fear and had to watch what was happening to his mother).  we all have a responsibilty to dorothy now.  to make sure this never happens to another person like her.  why the h**l do we tolerate this sort of thing?  one of God's children remember.  and the 1 year old, and the unborn............................

  2. Yeah...It was terrible. I think that we should be able to torture them. They don't deserve any rights.

    Here's the link:


    Ur welcome! ;) Yeah I had to do an article for my CJ class, this was my idea on the matter:

    I believe that we should bring back olden executions specifically for these people. I think that we should line up all six of them, yes including the twelve year old, and depending on the severity of their actions, the people will decide their punishment. Anywhere from throwing rocks at them, whipping them, and hanging them. For the adults the punishment is carried out for a longer period and they may even have to endure all three. After, the children 16 years and below, will be sentenced to life in prison with a chance of parole in 40-50 years and the adults will be sentenced to death by the electric chair. Even the children deserve a harsh punishment. If they were involved in this, they had to know what they were doing was wrong. I believe that at 12 years old is exactly when you truly decipher between good and bad, right and wrong. At this age you are aware of consequences and possibly also aware that you can almost get away with anything.

    I know it sounds wrong but they are no longer human in my eyes.

  3. What a sickening story, poor women, how could anyone Treat another human like that? and what the the chances of 5 people with seriously warped minds like that coming together? most people would stop something so appalling so the fact that all these people let this continue boggles my mind, were they all born bad or were they influenced? makes you wonder doesn't it?

    I hope these sickos are not kept alive in prison with taxpayers money, scum like this do not deserve to live.

    R.I.P Dorothy x

  4. I just saw this on CNN yesterday. How horribly sick and twisted.

  5. Hi beatle...Have you got a link? I haven't heard of this.

    Edit:.....God that is disgusting. I hope they all get life, including the teenagers. What makes is worse is that they knew she was pregnant and they couldn't even be bothered to look after her older son properly.

    How were these people dragged up by THEIR parents to have become adults with evil minds like that!

  6. No........ tell us more

  7. Disgusting, I hope they get whats coming to them.

  8. It brought me to tears, thinking of the poor woman's life and death.  There is just no answer to why human beings would take out such hatred and cruelty on another human, much less someone that is harmless and defenseless.  It's awful to think about the waste of those young people's lives, through what has to be a genetic moral deformity or  a warped and terrible upbringing.

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